Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
72 (17), pp. 20 - 25 (2017)
Waldbewirtschaftung und Biodiversität: Vielfalt ist gefragt. AFZ, der Wald 2.
Journal Article
8 (6), 105 (2017)
Cryogenic displacement and accumulation of biogenic methane in frozen soils. Atmosphere 3.
Journal Article
72 (24), pp. 22 - 23 (2017)
Informationen und Aktivitäten zur möglichen Anbaueignung weiterer Arten aus der Gattung Pseudotsuga für Mitteldeutschland. AFZ, der Wald 4.
Journal Article
37, pp. 1 - 2 (2017)
Zur Beziehung zwischen Forstwirtschaft und Biodiversität. Artenschutzreport 5.
Journal Article
391, pp. 86 - 95 (2017)
Wood decay rates of 13 temperate tree species in relation to wood properties, enzyme activities and organismic diversities. Forest Ecology and Management 6.
Journal Article
Biodiversität und Waldbewirtschaftung im Laubwald. Artenschutzreport, pp. 3 - 11 (2017)
Journal Article
23, pp. 1 - 73 (2017)
Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment: Patterns, mechanisms, and open questions. Basic and Applied Ecology Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
In memoriam: Otto Ludwig Lange (1927–2017). In: Global ecology and oceanography of harmful algal blooms (Eds. Glibert, P. M.; Berdalet, E.; Burford, M. A.; Pitcher, G. C.; Zhou, M.). Springer, Cham, Sitzerland (2017)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Process-based modelling of the methane balance in periglacial landscapes. Dissertation, 209 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)