Journal Article (42)

Journal Article
Williams, C.; Hanan, N.; Scholes, R.; Kutsch, W. L.: Complexity in water and carbon dioxide fluxes following rain pulses in an African savanna. Oecologia 161 (3), pp. 469 - 480 (2009)
Journal Article
Xia, Z. H.; Xu, B. Q.; Mügler, I.; Wu, G. J.; Gleixner, G.; Sachse, D.; Zhu, L. P.: retracted: Paleoclimatic implications of the hydrogen isotopic composition of terrigenous n-alkanes from Lake Yamzho, southern Tibetan Plateau. Geochemical Journal 43 (4), pp. 275 - 286 (2009)

Book (1)

Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A. (Eds.): Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009), 312 pp.

Book Chapter (15)

Book Chapter
Bahn, M.; Kutsch, W. L.; Heinemeyer, A.: Synthesis: emerging issues and challenges for an integrated understanding of soil carbon fluxes. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 257 - 271 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Bahn, M.; Kutsch, W. L.; Heinemeyer, A.; Janssens, I. A.: Appendix: Towards a standardized protocol for the measurement of soil CO2 efflux. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 272 - 280 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Freibauer, A.: Old-Growth Forests in the Context of International Environmental Agreements. In: Old-Growth Forests, Vol. 207, pp. 451 - 461 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Gleixner, G.; Tefs, C.; Jordan, A.; Hammer, M.; Wirth, C.; Nueske, A.; Telz, A.; Schmidt, U. E.; Glatzel, S.: Soil Carbon Accumulation in Old-Growth Forests. In: Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value, Vol. 207, pp. 231 - 266 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Knohl, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.: Biosphere-atmosphere exchange of old-growth forests: Processes and pattern. In: Old-Growth Forests, Vol. 207, pp. 141 - 158 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Kutsch, W. L.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.: Soil carbon relations: an overview. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 1 - 15 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Kutsch, W. L.; Schimel, J.; Denef, K.: Measuring soil microbial parameters relevant for soil carbon fluxes. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 169 - 186 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Kutsch, W. L.; Wirth, C.; Kattge, J.; Nöllert, S.; Herbst, M.; Kappen, L.: Ecophysiological Characteristics of Mature Trees and Stands - Consequences for Old-Growth Forest Productivity. In: Old-Growth Forests, Vol. 207, pp. 57 - 79 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Moyano, F. E.; Atkin, O. K.; Bahn, M.; Bruhn, D.; Burton, A. J.; Heinemeyer, A.; Kutsch, W. L.; Wieser, G.: Respiration from roots and the mycorrhizosphere. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 127 - 156 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Pumpanen, J.; Longdoz, B.; Kutsch, W. L.: Field measurements of soil respiration: principles and constraints, potentials and limitations of different methods. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 16 - 33 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Rodeghiero, M.; Heinemeyer, A.; Schrumpf, M.; Bellamy, P.: Determination of soil carbon stocks and changes. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 49 - 75 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Schulze, E.-D.; Hessenmöller, D.; Knohl, A.; Luyssaert, S.; Börner, A.; Grace, J.: Temperate and boreal old-growth forests: How do their growth dynamics and biodiversity differ from young stands and managed forests? In: Old-Growth Forests, Vol. 207, pp. 343 - 366 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Smith, P.; Fallon, P.; Kutsch, W. L.: The role of soils in the Kyoto Protocol. In: Soil Carbon Dynamics - an Integrated Methodology, pp. 245 - 256 (Eds. Kutsch, W.; Bahn, M.; Heinemeyer, A.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2009)
Book Chapter
Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.: Old-Growth Forests: Function, Fate and Value - an Overview. In: Old-Growth Forests, Vol. 207, pp. 1 - 8 (Eds. Wirth, C.; Gleixner, G.; Heimann, M.). Springer, Berlin (2009)
Book Chapter
Wutzler, T.; Sarjoughian, H.: DEVS-based simulation interoperability. In: Handbook of Research on Discrete Event Simulation Environments: Technologies and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 75 - 91 (2009)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Heimann, D.; Nieschulze, J.; König -Ries, B.: A web service based approach for integrating statistics tools into an information system for experiment data. Proceedings of Informatik 2009 - The 39th annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Göttingen., (2009)
Conference Paper
Schulze, E. D.: Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt im Zeichen des Klimawandels. In: Weltnaturerbe Buchenwälder, Europäische Konferenz am 12./13. Juni 2009, pp. 65 - 66 (Ed. Schrader, R.). (2009)
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