International honors for Amazon researcher Daniel Marra
Daniel Magnabosco Marra, project leader in Susan Trumbore’s Department, is a highly experienced scientist in the areas of Forestry and Ecology, with emphasis on ecosystem dynamics and functioning. Based on his exceptional expertise, he has recently been honored with two international distinctions.

The Brazilian Academy of Science nominated Daniel Affiliate Member of the Academy in January 2022. The nomination is based on his experience in the areas of Forest Resources and Forest Engineering, with emphasis on forest inventory and measurement, and ecosystem ecology. His research integrates forest inventory data, climate variables and remote sensing to understand how the structure, dynamics and diversity of forests respond to environmental gradients and disturbance, and climate change.
The National University of the Peruvian Amazon (UNAP) had granted Daniel the honorary distinction of Doctor Honoris Causa in February 2022. The distinction was awarded in recognition for his outstanding professional and research career, his scientific contributions and his permanent vocation of service to the Amazon region, the country of Peru and the international community.
Daniel had earned his PhD in 2016 as member of our IMPRS-gBGC graduate school, together with University Leipzig. He continued as PostDoc at MPI-BGC, with additional affiliations in Leipzig and in Brazil. Since 2018, he is Professor at the Tropical Forest Science Program from the Brazilian Institute for Amazon Research, Manaus, Brazil.
Daniel has authored more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific articles and a special Amazon Assessment Report 2021 for the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He continues to (co-)lead and collaborate in many research projects on the dynamics and functioning of tropical forests. In addition, he has a long history of teaching in different universities, both in the Amazon region and in Germany. He is and has already been an experienced supervisor for several Master and Graduate students, with many more to come.