BGC Publications
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Journal Article (13)
Journal Article
: The terrestrial carbon cycle: implications for the Kyoto protocol. Science 280 (5368), pp. 1393 - 1394 (1998)
Journal Article
25 (19), pp. 3615 - 3618 (1998)
Land surface feedbacks and palaeomonsoons in northern Africa. Geophysical Research Letters 3.
Journal Article
207 (2), pp. 241 - 245 (1998)
Stable isotope distribution in the major metabolites of source and sink organs of Solanum tuberosum L.: a powerful tool in the study of metabolic partitioning in intact plants. Planta 4.
Journal Article
25 (5), pp. 519 - 530 (1998)
Fluxes of carbon dioxide and water vapour over a C4 pasture in south-western Amazonia (Brazil). Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 5.
Journal Article
: Intercomparison of simulated global vegetation distributions in response to 6 kyr BP orbital forcing. Journal of Climate 11 (11), pp. 2721 - 2742 (1998)
Journal Article
40 (1), pp. 227 - 239 (1998)
Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 25. Archaeometry 7.
Journal Article
40 (1), pp. 59 - 60 (1998)
An experiment to refute the likelihood of cellulose carboxylation. Radiocarbon 8.
Journal Article
: Biospheric aspects of the hydrological cycle. Journal of Hydrology 212-213 (1-4), pp. 1 - 21 (1998)
Journal Article
: Evaporation from a central Siberian pine forest. Journal of Hydrology 205 (3-4), pp. 279 - 296 (1998)
Journal Article
63, pp. 27 - 34 (1998)
Zur Paläogeoökologie der Ostsahara. Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen 11.
Journal Article
393 (6682), pp. 208 - 209 (1998)
The carbon equation. Nature 12.
Journal Article
115 (4), pp. 460 - 462 (1998)
Downward flux of water through roots (i.e. inverse hydraulic lift) in dry Kalahari sands. Oecologia 13.
Journal Article
25 (4), pp. 413 - 425 (1998)
Carbon and nitrogen isotope discrimination and nitrogen nutrition of trees along a rainfall gradient in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology Book (2)
: The accounting of biological sinks and sources under the Kyoto protocol: A step forewards or backwards for global environmental protection? Special report 1998. Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven (1998)
: Die Anrechnung biologischer Quellen und Senken im Kyoto Protokoll: Fortschritt oder Rückschritt für den globalen Umweltschutz? Sondergutachten 1998. Alfred Wegener Institut, Bremerhaven (1998)
Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
14, pp. 661 - 686 (Eds. Karjalainen, E. J.; Hesso, A. E.; Jalonen, J. E.; Karjalainen, U. P.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (1998)
Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry: Precision from Transient Signals. In: Advances in Mass Spectrometry, Vol. 17.
Book Chapter
Simulated changes in vegetation distribution under global warming. In: The regional impacts of climate change: An assessment of vulnerability, pp. 439 - 456 (Ed. Watson, R. T.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1998)
Book Chapter
Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 1998 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 115 - 119. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (1998)
Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
: Productivity and carbon sink capacity of russian boreal forests. In: Ecological and economic problems in the boreal woodlands of Russia, pp. 66 - 71. Ecological and economic problems in the boreal woodlands of Russia, Tharandt, Germany. (1998)