Publications of N. Buchmann

Journal Article (39)

Journal Article
Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Lavorel, S.; Garnier, E.; Diaz, S.; Buchmann, N.; Gurvich, D. E.; Reich, P. B.; Ter Steege, H.; Morgan, H. D.; Van Der Heijden, M. G. A. et al.; Pausas, J. G.; Poorter, H.: A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. Australian Journal of Botany 51 (4), pp. 335 - 380 (2003)
Journal Article
Knohl, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Kolle, O.; Buchmann, N.: Large carbon uptake by an unmanaged 250-year-old deciduous forest in Central Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 118 (3-4), pp. 151 - 167 (2003)
Journal Article
Pataki, D. E.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Flanagan, L. B.; Yakir, D.; Bowling, D. R.; Still, C. J.; Buchmann, N.; Kaplan, J. O.; Berry, J. A.: The application and interpretation of Keeling plots in terrestrial carbon cycle research. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (1), p. 1022 (2003)
Journal Article
Brooks, J. R.; Buchmann, N.; Phillips, S.; Ehleringer, B.; Evans, R. D.; Lott, M.; Martinelli, L. A.; Pockman, W. T.; Sandquist, D.; Sparks, J. P. et al.; Sperry, L.; Williams, D.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Heavy and light beer: A carbon isotope approach to detect C4 carbon in beers of different origins, styles, and prices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (22), pp. 6413 - 6418 (2002)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.: Plant ecophysiology and forest response to global change. Tree Physiology 22 (15-16), pp. 1177 - 1184 (2002)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.: A.F.W. Schimper: from the 'oecology of plant distribution' to the 'functional ecology of terrestrial ecosystems'. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17 (3), pp. 106 - 107 (2002)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.; Brooks, J. R.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Predicting daytime carbon isotope ratios of atmospheric CO2 within forest canopies. Functional Ecology 16 (1), pp. 49 - 57 (2002)
Journal Article
Kaplan, J. O.; Prentice, I. C.; Buchmann, N.: The stable carbon isotope composition of the terrestrial biosphere: Modeling at scales from the leaf to the globe. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), p. 1060 (2002)
Journal Article
Högberg, P.; Nordgren, A.; Buchmann, N.; Taylor, A. F. S.; Ekblad, A.; Högberg, M. N.; Nyberg, G.; Ottosson-Löfvenius, M.; Read, D. J.: Large-scale forest girdling shows that current photosynthesis drives soil respiration. Nature 411 (6839), pp. 789 - 792 (2001)
Journal Article
Janssens, I. A.; Lankreijer, H.; Matteucci, G.; Kowalski, A. S.; Buchmann, N.; Epron, D.; Pilegaard, K.; Kutsch, W.; Longdoz, B.; Grünwald, T. et al.; Montagnani, L.; Dore, S.; Rebmann, C.; Moors, E. J.; Grelle, A.; Rannik, Ü.; Morgenstern, K.; Oltchev, S.; Clement, R.; Gudmundsson, J.; Minerbi, S.; Berbigier, P.; Ibrom, A.; Moncrieff, J.; Aubinet, M.; Bernhofer, C.; Jensen, N. O.; Vesala, T.; Granier, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Lindroth, A.; Dolman, A. J.; Jarvis, P. G.; Ceulemans, R.; Valentini, R.: Productivity overshadows temperature in determining soil and ecosystem respiration across European forests. Global Change Biology 7 (3), pp. 269 - 278 (2001)
Journal Article
Kahmen, A.; Weisser, W.; Buchmann, N.: BIOLOG - Jena: a new biodiversity project. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 31, p. 30 (2001)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.: Biotic and abiotic factors controlling soil respiration rates in Picea abies stands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 (11-12), pp. 1625 - 1635 (2000)
Journal Article
Ehleringer, J. R.; Buchmann, N.; Flanagan, L. B.: Carbon isotope ratios in belowground carbon cycle processes. Ecological Applications 10 (2), pp. 412 - 422 (2000)
Journal Article
Thuille, A.; Buchmann, N.; Schulze, E.-D.: Carbon stocks and soil respiration rates during deforestation, grassland use and subsequent Norway spruce afforestation in the Southern Alps, Italy. Tree Physiology 20 (13), pp. 849 - 857 (2000)
Journal Article
Wichura, B.; Buchmann, N.; Foken, T.; Mangold, A.; Heinz, G.: Pools und Flüsse des stabilen Kohlenstoffisotops 13C zwischen Boden, Vegetation und Atmosphäre in verschiedenen Pflanzengemeinschaften des Fichtelgebirges. Bayreuther Forum Ökologie 78, pp. 109 - 130 (2000)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.; Schulze, E.-D.: Net CO2 and H2O fluxes of terrestrial ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13 (3), pp. 751 - 760 (1999)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.; Ehleringer, J. R.: CO2 concentration profiles, and carbon and oxygen isotopes in C3, and C4 crop canopies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 89 (1), pp. 45 - 58 (1998)
Journal Article
Buchmann, N.; Hinckley, T. M.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Carbon isotope dynamics in Abies amabilis stands in the Cascades. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 (6), pp. 808 - 819 (1998)
Journal Article
Schmidt, G.; May, C.; Buchmann, N.; Gebauer, G.; Schulze, E.-D.: Aufnahme von Ammonium und Nitrat bei Waldbäumen. UFZ-Bericht 5, pp. 50 - 51 (1997)

Book (2)

Smith, P.; Ambus, P.; Amezquita, M. C.; Andren, O.; Arrouays, D.; Ball, B.; Boeckx, P.; Brüning, C.; Buchmann, N.; Buendia, L. et al.; Cellier, P.; Cernussa, A.; Clifton-Brown, J.; Dämmgen, U.; Ewert, F.; Favoino, E.; Fiorelli, J. L.; Flechard, C.; Freibauer, A.; Hacala, S.; Harrison, R.; Hiederer, R.; Janssens, I.; Jayet, P. A.; Jouany, J. P.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Karlsson, T.; Kuikman, P.; Lagreid, M.; Leffelaar, P. A.; Leip, A.; Loiseau, P.; Milford, C.; Neftel, A.; Oenema, O.; Ogle, S.; Olesen, J. E.; Perälä, P.; Pesmajoglou, S.; Peterson, S. O.; Pilegaard, K.; Raschi, A.; Regina, K.; Rounsevell, M.; Saletes, S.; Schils, R. L. M.; Seguin, B.; Sezzi, E.; Soussana, J. F.; Stefanie, P.; Stengel, P.; Van Amstel, A.; Van Cleemput, O.; Van Putten, B.; Van Wesemael, B.; Verhagen, A.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Weigel, H. J.; Weiske, A.; Willers, H. C.: Greenhouse gas emissions from European croplans. University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (2004)

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