View from the north tower of the MANIP experiment at Majadas del Tietatar in Spain on a bright day. In the foreground you can see the Eddy boom, a combination of a 3D ultrasonic anemometer in the immediate vicinity of which is the intake of the gas analyzer for carbon dioxide and water vapor. In the background the grazed holm oak grove (Dehesa) and in even greater distance the mountains.

Publications of Heiko Moossen

Journal Article (30)

Journal Article
Michel, S. E.; Lan, X.; Tans, P.; Clark, J. R.; Schaefer, H.; Sperlich, P.; Brailsford, G.; Morimoto, S.; Moossen, H.; Li, J.: Rapid shift in methane carbon isotopes suggests microbial emissions drove record high atmospheric methane growth in 2020-2022. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (44), e2411212121 (2024)
Journal Article
Röckmann, T.; van Herpen, M. M. J. W.; Brashear, C.; Van der Veen, C.; Gromov, S.; Li, Q.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Meidan, D.; Barreto, A.; Prats, N. et al.; Marmol, I.; Ramos, R.; Banos, I.; Arrieta, J. M.; Zaehle, S.; Jordan, A.; Moossen, H.; Timas, H.; Young, D.; Sperlich, P.; Moss, R.; Johnson, M.: The use of delta13C in CO to determine removal of CH4 by Cl radicals in the atmosphere. Environmental Research Letters 19 (6), 064054 (2024)
Journal Article
Schnabel, F.; Barry, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Guillemot, J.; Geilmann, H.; Kahl, A.; Moossen, H.; Bauhus, J.; Wirth, C.: Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and delta13C responses to drought. Plant Biology 26 (2), pp. 330 - 345 (2024)
Journal Article
Rödenbeck, C.; Adcock, K. E.; Eritt, M.; Gachkivskyi, M.; Gerbig, C.; Hammer, S.; Jordan, A.; Keeling, R. F.; Levin, I.; Maier, F. et al.; Manning, A. C.; Moossen, H.; Munassar, S.; Pickers, P. A.; Rothe, M.; Tohjima, Y.; Zaehle, S.: The suitability of atmospheric oxygen measurements to constrain western European fossil-fuel CO2 emissions and their trends. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 23 (24), pp. 15767 - 15782 (2023)
Journal Article
Worthy, D. E. J.; Rauh, M. K.; Huang, L.; Vogel, F. R.; Chivulescu, A.; Masarie, K. A.; Langenfelds, R. L.; Krummel, P. B.; Allison, C. E.; Crotwell, A. M. et al.; Madronich, M.; Pétron, G.; Levin, I.; Hammer, S.; Michel, S.; Ramonet, M.; Schmidt, M.; Jordan, A.; Moossen, H.; Rothe, M.; Keeling, R.; Morgan, E. J.: Results of a long-term international comparison of greenhouse gas and isotope measurements at the Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Observatory in Alert, Nunavut, Canada. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 16 (23), pp. 5909 - 5935 (2023)
Journal Article
Chartrand, M. M. G.; Liu, F.-H.; Merrick, J. P.; Fasciotti, M.; Garrido, B. C.; Rego, E. C. P. d.; da Monteiro, T. V. C.; Wollinger, W.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H. et al.; Chubchenko, I.; Kolobova, A.; Ogrinc, N.; Potočnik, D.; Dunn, P. J. H.; Goenaga-Infante, H.; Hill, S.; Malinovsky, D.; Mester, Z.; Meija, J.: Final report for CCQM-P212: coherence of carbon isotope delta reference materials. Metrologia 60 (1A), 08028 (2023)
Journal Article
Viallon, J.; Choteau, T.; Flores, E.; Idrees, F.; Moussay, P.; Wielgosz, R. I.; Loh, Z.; Allison, C.; Huang, L.; Chivelscu, A. et al.; Camin, F.; Krajnc, B.; Ogrinc, N.; de Fioravante, A. L.; Fasciotti, M.; Monteiro, T. V. C.; Garrido, B. C.; Rego, E. C. P.; Wollinger, W.; Augusto, C. R.; Michel, S.; Lee, J. S.; Lim, J. K.; Daëron, M.; Kassi, S.; Moossen, H.; Hai, L.; Zhou, Z.; Srivastava, A.; Shimosaka, T.; Webber, E. M.; Hill−Pearce, R.; Brewer, P.; Chartrand, M.; Rienitz, O.; Ebert, V.; Flierl, L.; Braden-Behrens, J.; Nwaboh, J.; Simsek, A.; Chubchenko, I.: Final report of CCQM-P204, comparison on CO2 isotope ratios in pure CO2. Metrologia (accepted)
Journal Article
Steur, P. M.; Botter, D.; Scheeren, H. A.; Moossen, H.; Rothe, M.; Meijer, H. A. J.: Preventing drift of oxygen isotopes of CO2-in-air stored in glass sample flasks: new insights and recommendations. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 59 (3), pp. 309 - 326 (2023)
Journal Article
Skrzypek*, G.; Allison, C. E.; Böhlke, J. K.; Bontempo, L.; Brewer, P.; Camin, F.; Carter, J. F.; Chartrand, M. M. G.; Coplen, T. B.; Gröning, M. et al.; Helie, J.-F.; Esquivel-Hernández, G.; Kraft, R. A.; Magdas, D. A.; Mann, J. L.; Meija, J.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Moossen, H.; Ogrinc, N.; Perini, M.; Possolo, A.; Rogers, K. M.; Schimmelmann, A.; Shemesh, A.; Soto, D. X.; Thomas, F.; Wielgosz, R.; Winchester, M. R.; Yan, Z.; Dunn, P. J. H.: Minimum requirements for publishing hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur stable-isotope delta results (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry 94 (11-12), pp. 1249 - 1255 (2022)
Journal Article
Müller, A. T.; Reichelt, M.; Cosio, E. G.; Salinas, N.; Nina, A.; Wang, D.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Gershenzon, J.; Köllner, T. G. et al.; Mithöfer, A.: Combined –omics framework reveals how ant symbionts benefit the Neotropical ant-plant Tococa quadrialata at different levels. iScience 25 (10), 105261 (2022)
Journal Article
Duncan, B.; McKay, R.; Levy, R.; Naish, T.; Prebble, J. G.; Sangiorgi, F.; Krishnan, S.; Hoem, F.; Clowes, C.; Jones, T. D. et al.; Gasson, E.; Kraus, C.; Kulhanek, D. K.; Meyers, S. R.; Moossen, H.; Warren, C.; Willmott, V.; Ventura, G. T.; Bendle, J.: Climatic and tectonic drivers of late Oligocene Antarctic ice volume. Nature Geoscience 15, pp. 819 - 825 (2022)
Journal Article
Mohn, J.; Biasi, C.; Bodé, S.; Boeckx, P.; Brewer, P. J.; Eggleston, S.; Geilmann, H.; Guillevic, M.; Kaiser, J.; Kantnerová, K. et al.; Moossen, H.; Müller, J.; Nakagawa, M.; Pearce, R.; von Rein, I.; Steger, D.; Toyoda, S.; Wanek, W.; Wexler, S. K.; Yoshida, N.; Yu, L.: Isotopically characterised N2O reference materials for use as community standards. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 36 (13), e9296 (2022)
Journal Article
Prohaska, T.; Irrgeher, J.; Benefield, J.; Böhlke, J. K.; Chesson, L. A.; Coplen, T. B.; Ding, T.; Dunn, P. J. H.; Gröning, M.; Holden, N. E. et al.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Moossen, H.; Possolo, A.; Takahashi, Y.; Vogl, J.; Walczyk, T.; Wang, J.; Wieser, M. E.; Yoneda, S.; Zhu, X.-K.; Meija, J.: Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry 94 (5), pp. 1 - 28 (2022)
Journal Article
Chartrand, M. M. G.; Kai, F. M.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Moossen, H.; Qi, H.; Aerts-Bijma, A. T.; Cui, Y.; Geilmann, H.; Mester, Z.; Meija, J.: Final report on pilot study CCQM-P211: carbon isotope delta measurements of vanillin. Metrologia 59 (1A), 08005 (2022)
Journal Article
Qi, H.; Moossen, H.; Meijer, H. A.J.; Coplen, T. B.; Aerts-Bijma, A. T.; Reid, L.; Geilmann, H.; Richter, J.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A. et al.; Toman, B.; Benefield, J.; Hélie, J.-F.: USGS44, a new high purity calcium carbonate reference material for delta13C measurements. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35 (4), e9006 (2021)
Journal Article
Komiya, S.; Kondo, F.; Moossen, H.; Seifert, T.; Schultz, U.; Geilmann, H.; Walter, D.; Lavrič, J. V.: Characterizing water vapour concentration dependence of commercial cavity ring-down spectrometers for continuous on-site atmospheric water vapour isotope measurements in the tropics. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 14 (2), pp. 1439 - 1455 (2021)
Journal Article
Sperlich, P.; Moossen, H.; Geilmann, H.; Bury, S. J.; Brown, J. C.S.; Moss, R. C.; Brailsford, G. W.; Brand, W. A.: A robust method for direct calibration of isotope ratios in gases against liquid/solid reference materials, including a laboratory comparison for delta13C‐CH4. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 35 (1), e8944 (2020)
Journal Article
Toney, J. L.; García-Alix, A.; Jiménez-Moreno, G.; Anderson, R. S.; Moossen, H.; Sekie, O.: New insights into Holocene hydrology and temperature from lipid biomarkers in western Mediterranean alpine wetlands. Quaternary Science Reviews 240, 106395 (2020)
Journal Article
Greule, M.; Moossen, H.; Lloyd, M. K.; Geilmann, H.; Brand, W. A.; Eiler, J. M.; Qi, H.; Keppler, F.: Three wood isotopic reference materials for delta2H and delta13C measurements of plant methoxy groups. Chemical Geology 533, 119428 (2020)
Journal Article
Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Perez‑Priego, O.; El-Madany, T. S.; Julitta, T.; Rossini, M.; Guan, J.-H.; Moreno, G.; Carvalhais, N.; Martín, M. P.; Gonzalez-Cascon, R. et al.; Kolle, O.; Reichstein, M.; van der Tolg, C.; Carrara, A.; Martini, D.; Hammer, T. W.; Moossen, H.; Migliavacca, M.: Multiple-constraint inversion of SCOPE. Evaluating the potential of GPP and SIF for the retrieval of plant functional traits. Remote Sensing of Environment 234, 111362 (2019)
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