View from the north tower of the MANIP experiment at Majadas del Tietatar in Spain on a bright day. In the foreground you can see the Eddy boom, a combination of a 3D ultrasonic anemometer in the immediate vicinity of which is the intake of the gas analyzer for carbon dioxide and water vapor. In the background the grazed holm oak grove (Dehesa) and in even greater distance the mountains.

Publications of Hoon Taek Lee

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Yang, H.; Wang, S.; Son, R.; Lee, H. T.; Benson, V.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Kattge, J.; Boenisch, G. et al.; Schepaschenko, D.; Karaszewski, Z.; Stereńczak, K.; Moreno-Martínez, Á.; Nabais, C.; Birnbaum, P.; Vieilledent, G.; Weber, U.; Carvalhais, N.: Global patterns of tree wood density. Global Change Biology 30 (3), e17224 (2024)
Journal Article
Lee, H. T.; Jung, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Trautmann, T.; Kraft, B.; Reichstein, M.; Forkel, M.; Koirala, S.: Diagnosing modeling errors in global terrestrial water storage interannual variability. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (7), pp. 1531 - 1563 (2023)
Journal Article
Byeon, S.; Song, W.; Park, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, S.; Lee, H. T.; Jeon, J.; Kim, K.; Lee, M.; Lim, H. et al.; Han, S.-H.; Oh, C.; Kim, H. S.: Canopy height affects the allocation of photosynthetic carbon and nitrogen in two deciduous tree species under elevated CO2. Journal of Plant Physiology 268, 153584 (2022)
Journal Article
Byeon, S.; Song, W.; Park, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, S.; Lee, H. T.; Jeon, J.; Kim, K.; Lee, M.; Lim, H. et al.; Han, S.-H.; Oh, C. Y.; Kim, H. S.: Down-regulation of photosynthesis and its relationship with changes in leaf N allocation and N availability after long-term exposure to elevated CO2 concentration. Journal of Plant Physiology 265, 153489 (2021)

Preprint (1)

Lee, H. T.; Jung, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.; Forkel, M.; Bloom, A. A.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Koirala, S.: Spatial attribution of temporal variability in global land-atmosphere CO2 exchange using a model-data integration framework. ESS Open Archive (2025)
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