Publications of Stefan Karlowsky

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Ingrisch, J.; Karlowsky, S.; Hasibeder, R.; Gleixner, G.; Bahn, M.: Drought and recovery effects on belowground respiration dynamics and the partitioning of recent carbon in managed and abandoned grassland. Global Change Biology 26 (8), pp. 4366 - 4378 (2020)
Journal Article
Roscher, C.; Karlowsky, S.; Milcu, A.; Gessler, A.; Bachmann, D.; Jesch, A.; Lange, M.; Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Strecker, T.; Landais, D. et al.: Functional composition has stronger impact than species richness on carbon gain and allocation in experimental grasslands. PLoS One 14 (1), e0204715 (2019)
Journal Article
Karlowsky, S.; Augusti, A.; Ingrisch, J.; Akanda, M. K. U.; Bahn, M.; Gleixner, G.: Drought-induced accumulation of root exudates supports post-drought recovery of microbes in mountain grassland. Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1593 (2018)
Journal Article
Ingrisch, J.; Karlowsky, S.; Anadon-Rosell, A.; Hasibeder, R.; König, A.; Augusti, A.; Gleixner, G.; Bahn, M.: Land use alters the drought responses of productivity and CO2 fluxes in mountain grassland. Ecosystems 21 (4), pp. 689 - 703 (2018)
Journal Article
Karlowsky, S.; Augusti, A.; Ingrisch, J.; Hasibeder, R.; Lange, M.; Lavorel, S.; Bahn, M.; Gleixner, G.: Land use in mountain grasslands alters drought response and recovery of carbon allocation and plant-microbial interactions. Journal of Ecology 106 (3), pp. 1230 - 1243 (2018)
Journal Article
Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Lange, M.; Bachmann, D.; Gockele, A.; Karlowsky, S.; Milcu, A.; Piel, C.; Roscher, C.; Roy, J.; Gleixner, G.: Plant diversity generates enhanced soil microbial access to recently photosynthesized carbon in the rhizosphere. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 94, pp. 122 - 132 (2016)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Karlowsky, S.: Mechanisms of Resistance and Resilience in the Plant-Soil System of Mountain Grassland Communities. Dissertation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2018)