Publications of Carlos Sierra
All genres
Journal Article (101)
Journal Article
22 (2), 472, p. 455 (2025)
How long does carbon stay in a near-pristine central Amazon forest? An empirical estimate with radiocarbon. Biogeosciences 2024
Journal Article
129 (9), e2024JG008191 (2024)
Radiocarbon isotopic disequilibrium shows little incorporation of new carbon in mineral soils of a boreal forest ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Journal Article
5, pp. 559 - 571 (2024)
Temperature responses of ecosystem respiration. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
Journal Article
30 (5), e17320 (2024)
Controls and relationships of soil organic carbon abundance and persistence vary across pedo-climatic regions. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
15, 1375958 (2024)
Non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in tree organs vary across biomes and leaf habits, but are independent of the fast-slow plant economic spectrum. Frontiers in Plant Science
Journal Article
30 (3), e17229 (2024)
On the importance of time in carbon sequestration in soils and climate change mitigation. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
21 (5), pp. 1277 - 1299 (2024)
Moisture and temperature effects on the radiocarbon signature of respired carbon dioxide to assess stability of soil carbon in the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeosciences
Journal Article
12 (2), e2023EF003982 (2024)
Fast transit of carbon inputs in global soil profiles regardless of entering depth. Earth's Future
Journal Article
129 (1), e2022JG007344 (2024)
Spatial patterns of vegetation activity related to ENSO in Northern South America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Journal Article
30 (1), e17153 (2024)
Carbon sequestration in the subsoil and the time required to stabilize carbon for climate change mitigation. Global Change Biology 2023
Journal Article
29 (23), pp. 6441 - 6452 (2023)
Increased atmospheric CO2 and the transit time of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Global Change Biology
Journal Article
381 (2261), 20230081 (2023)
Making the case for an International Decade of Radiocarbon. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Journal Article
111 (11), pp. 2532 - 2548 (2023)
Anatomical distribution of starch in the stemwood influences carbon dynamics and suggests storage-growth trade-offs in some tropical trees. Journal of Ecology
Journal Article
Recurrence in Lissajous curves and the visual representation of tuning systems. Foundations of Science (2023)
Journal Article
341, 109624 (2023)
Deterministic and stochastic components of atmospheric CO2 inside forest canopies and consequences for predicting carbon and water exchange. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Journal Article
381 (2261), 20230139 (2023)
Relating mineral–organic matter stabilization mechanisms to carbon quality and age distributions using ramped thermal analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - Series A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences
Journal Article
20 (15), pp. 3151 - 3163 (2023)
How well does ramped thermal oxidation quantify the age distribution of soil carbon? Assessing thermal stability of physically and chemically fractionated soil organic matter. Biogeosciences
Journal Article
4, 251 (2023)
Continuous decrease in soil organic matter despite increased plant productivity in an 80-years-old phosphorus-addition experiment. Communications Earth & Environment
Journal Article
20 (9), pp. 1759 - 1771 (2023)
Information content in time series of litter decomposition studies and the transit time of litter in arid lands. Biogeosciences
Journal Article
26 (5), pp. 778 - 788 (2023)
Molecular 14C evidence for contrasting turnover and temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter components. Ecology Letters