Publications of Konstantin Schellenberg

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Jagdhuber, T.; Schmidt, A.-S.; Fluhrer, A.; Chaparro, D.; Jonard, F.; Piles, M.; Holtzman, N.; Konings, A. G.; Feldman, A. F.; Baur, M. J. et al.; Steele-Dunne, S.; Schellenberg, K.; Kunstmann, H.: Estimation of forest water potential from ground-based L-band radiometry. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 18, pp. 5509 - 5522 (2025)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Hellwig, F. M.; Jagdhuber, T.; Fluhrer, A.; Dubois, C.; Chaparro, D.; Schellenberg, K.; Piles, M.; Schmullius, C.; Entekhabi, D.: Multi-frequency radiometry for multi-year monitoring of relative water content in a temperate forest. In: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 2739 - 2742. IGARSS 2023, Pasadena, CA, USA , July 16, 2023 - July 21, 2023. (2023)
Conference Paper
Jagdhuber, T.; Fluhrer, A.; Chaparro, D.; Dubois, C.; Hellwig, F. M.; Bayat, B.; Montzka, C.; Baur, M. J.; Ramati, M.; Kübert, A. et al.; Mueller, M. M.; Schellenberg, K.; Boehm, M.; Jonard, F.; Steele-Dunne, S.; Piles, M.; Entekhabi, D.: On the potential of active and passive microwave remote sensing for tracking seasonal dynamics of evapotranspiration. In: IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 2610 - 2613. IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Pasadena, CA, USA, July 16, 2023 - July 21, 2023. IEEE (2023)

Preprint (1)

Fluhrer, A.; Baur, M.; Piles, M.; Bayat, B.; Rahmati, M.; Chaparro, D.; Dubois, C.; Hellwig, F.; Montzka, C.; Kübert, A. et al.; Mueller, M.; Augscheller, I.; Jonard, F.; Schellenberg, K.; Jagdhuber, T.: Assessing evapotranspiration dynamics across central Europe in the context of land-atmosphere drivers. EGUsphere (2024)
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