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Publications of I. C. Prentice

Journal Article (67)

Journal Article
Cheddadi, R.; Yu, G.; Guiot, J.; Harrison, S. P.; Prentice, I. C.: The climate of Europe 6000 years ago. Climate Dynamics 13 (1), pp. 1 - 9 (1997)
Journal Article
Fulton, M. R.; Prentice, I. C.: Edaphic controls on the boreonemoral forest mosaic. Oikos 78 (2), pp. 291 - 298 (1997)
Journal Article
Pitelka, L. F.; Gardner, R. H.; Ash, J.; Berry, S.; Gitay, H.; Noble, I. R.; Saunders, A.; Bradshaw, R. H. W.; Brubaker, L.; Clark, J. S. et al.; Davis, M. B.; Sugita, S.; Dyer, J. M.; Hengeveld, R.; Hope, G.; Huntley, B.; King, G. A.; Lavorel, S.; Mack, R. N.; Malanson, G. P.; Mcglone, M.; Prentice, I. C.; Rejmanek, M.: Plant migration and climate change. American Scientist 85 (5), pp. 464 - 473 (1997)
Journal Article
Schimel, D. S.; Emanuel, W.; Rizzo, B.; Smith, T.; Woodward, F. I.; Fisher, H.; Kittel, T. G. F.; Mckeown, R.; Painter, T.; Rosenbloom, N. et al.; Ojima, D. S.; Parton, W. J.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Mcguire, A. D.; Melillo, J. M.; Pan, Y.; Haxeltine, A.; Prentice, I. C.; Sitch, S.; Hibbard, K.; Nemani, R.; Pierce, L.; Running, S.; Borchers, J.; Chaney, J.; Neilson, R.; Braswell, B. H.: Continental scale variability in ecosystem processes: Models, data, and the role of disturbance. Ecological Monographs 67 (2), pp. 251 - 271 (1997)
Journal Article
Texier, D.; De Noblet, N.; Harrison, S. P.; Haxeltine, A.; Jolly, D.; Joussaume, S.; Laarif, F.; Prentice, I. C.; Tarasov, P.: Quantifying the role of biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks in climate change: coupled model simulations for 6000 years BP and comparison with palaeodata for northern Eurasia and northern Africa. Climate Dynamics 13 (12), pp. 865 - 882 (1997)
Journal Article
Haxeltine, A.; Prentice, I. C.: A general model for the light-use efficiency of primary production. Functional Ecology 10 (5), pp. 551 - 561 (1996)
Journal Article
Haxeltine, A.; Prentice, I. C.; Creswell, I. D.: A coupled carbon and water flux model to predict vegetation structure. Journal of Vegetation Science 7 (5), pp. 651 - 666 (1996)

Book (2)

Schulze, E.-D.; Heimann, M.; Harrison, S. P.; Holland, E. A.; Lloyd, J.; Prentice, I. C.; Schimel, D.: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system. Academic Press, San Diego (2001), 350 pp.
Sykes, M. T.; Prentice, I. C.: Modelling the effect of climate change on Swedish forests. (1999), 42 pp.

Book Chapter (15)

Book Chapter
Joos, F.; Prentice, I. C.: A Paleo-perspective on changes in atmospheric CO2 and climate. In: The global carbon cycle, Vol. 62, pp. 165 - 186 (Eds. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Book Chapter
Spessa, A.; Mcbeth, B.; Thonicke, K.; Prentice, I. C.: Modelling the relationship between fire frequency, rainfall and vegetation in the Kimberleys region Australia, using a fire model coupled to a DGVM. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Wildland Fire Conference, 4-6 Oct. 2003, Sydney (Eds. Goldammer, J.; Viegas, D.) (2003)
Book Chapter
Guiot, J.; Prentice, I. C.; Peng, C.; Jolly, D.; Laarif, F.; Smith, B.: Reconstruction and modelling past changes in terrestrial primary production. In: Terrestrial global productivity, pp. 479 - 498 (Eds. Roy, J.; Saugier, B.; Mooney, H. A.). Academic Press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
Prentice, I. C.: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2001 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 427 - 435. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2001)
Book Chapter
Prentice, I. C.: Interactions of climate change and the terrestrial biosphere. In: Geosphere-biosphere interactions and climate, pp. 176 - 198 (Eds. Bengtsson, L.; Hammer, C. U.). Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Cambridge (2001)
Book Chapter
Prentice, I. C.; Farquhar, G. D.; Fasham, M. J. R.; Goulden, M. L.; Heimann, M.; Jaramillo, V. J.; Kheshgi, H. S.; Le Quéré, C.; Scholes, R. J.; Wallace, D. W. R.: The carbon cycle and atmospheric carbon dioxide. In: Climate Change 2001: the scientific basis, pp. 183 - 237 (Eds. Houghton, J. T.; Ding, Y.; Griggs, D. J.; Noguer, M.; Van Der Linden, P. J. et al.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2001)
Book Chapter
Prentice, I. C.; Raynaud, D.: Palaeobiogeochemistry. In: Global biogeochemical cycles in the climate system, pp. 87 - 94 (Eds. Schulze, E.-D.; Harrison, S. P.; Heimann, M.; Holland, E. A.; Lloyd, J. et al.). Academic Press, San Diego (2001)
Book Chapter
Wallace, D. W. R.; Prentice, I. C.; Schimel, D.: The global carbon cycle. In: Contributions to global change research, pp. 22 - 29 (Ed. Heinen, D.). German National Committee on Global Change Research, Bonn (2001)
Book Chapter
Francois, L.; Kaplan, J. O.; Otto, D.; Roelandt, C.; Harrison, S. P.; Prentice, I. C.; Warnant, P.; Ramstein, G.: Comparison of vegetation distributions and terrestrial carbon budgets reconstructed for the last glacial maximum with several biosphere models. In: Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). Proceedings of the third PMIP workshop, La Huardière, Canada, 4-8 October 1999, pp. 141 - 145 (Eds. De Vernal, A.; Braconnot, P.; Joussaume, S.; Taylor, K.) (2000)
Book Chapter
Schulze, E.-D.; Prentice, I. C.: Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2000 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 457 - 464. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2000)
Book Chapter
Yu, G.; Sun, X.; Qin, B.; Song, C.; Li, H.; Prentice, I. C.; Harrison, S. P.: Pollend-based reconstruction of vegetation patterns of China in Mid-Holocene. In: Proceedings for the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, pp. 369 - 375 (Ed. Nanjing Institute of Geography & Limnology, C.). Chinese Academic of Sciences (III) (2000)
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