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Publications of Shaun R. Levick

Journal Article (34)

Journal Article
Urbazaev, M.; Thiel, C.; Mathieu, R.; Naidoo, L.; Levick, S. R.; Smit, I.; Asner, G.; Schmullius, C.: Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannas using multi-temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band images. Remote Sensing of Environment 166, pp. 138 - 153 (2015)
Journal Article
Asner, G. P.; Owen-Smith, N.; Loarie, S. R.; Davies, A. B.; Le Roux, E.; Levick, S. R.: Habitat differences do not explain population declines of sable antelope in an African savanna. Journal of Zoology 297 (3), pp. 225 - 234 (2015)
Journal Article
Levick, S. R.; Baldeck, C. A.; Asner, G. P.: Demographic legacies of fire history in an African savanna. Functional Ecology 29 (1), pp. 131 - 139 (2015)
Journal Article
Levick, S. R.; Setterfield, S. A.; Rossiter-Rachor, N. A.; Hutley, L. B.; MacMaster, D.; Hacker, J. M.: Monitoring the distribution and dynamics of an invasive grass in tropical savanna using airborne LiDAR. Remote Sensing 7 (5), pp. 5117 - 5132 (2015)
Journal Article
Ratcliffe, S.; Holzwarth, F.; Nadrowski, K.; Levick, S. R.; Wirth, C.: Tree neighbourhood matters – Tree species composition drives diversity–productivity patterns in a near-natural beech forest. Forest Ecology and Management 335, pp. 225 - 234 (2015)
Journal Article
Davies, A.B.; Levick, S.; Asner, G.P.; Robertson, M.P.; van Rensburg, B.J.; Parr, C.L.: Spatial variability and abiotic determinants of termite mounds throughout a savanna catchment. Ecography 37, pp. 001 - 011 (2014)
Journal Article
Thurner, M.; Beer, C.; Santoro, M.; Carvalhais, N.; Wutzler, T.; Schepaschenko, D.; Shvidenko, A.; Kompter, E.; Ahrens, B.; Levick, S. et al.; Schmullius, C.: Carbon stock and density of northern boreal and temperate forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (3), pp. 297 - 310 (2014)
Journal Article
Baldeck, C. A.; Colgan, M. S.; Féret, J.-B.; Levick, S. R.; Martin, R. E.; Asner, G. P.: Landscape-scale variation in plant community composition of an African savanna from airborne species mapping. Ecological Applications 24 (1), pp. 84 - 93 (2014)
Journal Article
Davies, A. B.; Robertson, M. P.; Levick, S. R.; Asner, G. P.; van Rensburg, B. J.; Parr, C. L.: Variable effects of termite mounds on African savanna grass communities across a rainfall gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (6), pp. 1405 - 1416 (2014)
Journal Article
Chadwick, O.A.; Roering, J.J.; Heimsath, A.M.; Levick, S.; Asner, G.P.; Khomo, L.M.: Shaping post-orogenic landscapes by climate and chemical weathering. Geology 41 (11), pp. 1171 - 1174 (2013)
Journal Article
Levick, S. R.; Asner, G. P.: The rate and spatial pattern of treefall in a savanna landscape. Biological Conservation 157, pp. 121 - 127 (2013)
Journal Article
Asner, G.P.; Levick, S.: Landscape-scale effects of herbivores on treefall in African savanna. Ecology Letters 15, pp. 1211 - 1217 (2012)
Journal Article
Colgan, M. S.; Asner, G. P.; Levick, S. R.; Martin, R. E.; Chadwick, O. A.: Topo-edaphic controls over woody plant biomass in South African savannas. Biogeosciences 9 (5), pp. 1809 - 1821 (2012)
Journal Article
Levick, S. R.; Asner, G.; Smit, I. P. J.: Spatial patterns in the effects of fire on savanna vegetation three-dimensional structure. Ecological Applications 22 (8), pp. 2110 - 2121 (2012)
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