Publications of T. Wutzler
All genres
Book (1)
Vorbereitungen für eine laufende Fortschreibung der Kohlenstoffvorräte in den Wäldern Thüringens. Thüringer Landesanstalt für Wald, Jagd und Fischerei in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie Jena, Jena (2006)
Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
DEVS-based simulation interoperability. In: Handbook of Research on Discrete Event Simulation Environments: Technologies and Applications, IGI Global, pp. 75 - 91 (2009)
Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Simulation interoperability across parallel DEVS models expressed in multiple programming languages. In: DEVS Integrative MANDS Symposium (DEVS'06). DEVS Integrative MANDS Symposium (DEVS'06), Huntsville, USA. (2006)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Projecting the carbon sink of managed forests based on standard forestry data. Dissertation, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena (2007)
Data Publication (1)
Data Publication
High-resolution large weighing lysimeter measurements with meteorological and soil-hydrological variables from a Mediterranean Savanna. (2022)