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Publications of Markus Lange

Journal Article (69)

Journal Article
Ulrich, J.; Bucher, S. F.; Eisenhauer, N.; Schmidt, A.; Türke, M.; Gebler, A.; Barry, K.; Lange, M.; Römermann, C.: Invertebrate decline leads to shifts in plant species abundance and phenology. Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 542125 (2020)
Journal Article
Jochum, M.; Fischer, M.; Isbell, F.; Roscher, C.; van der Plas, F.; Boch, S.; Boenisch, G.; Buchmann, N.; Catford, J. A.; Cavender-Bares, J. et al.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Gleixner, G.; Hölzel, N.; Kattge, J.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Lange, M.; Le Provost, G.; Meyer, S. T.; Molina-Venegas, R.; Mommer, L.; Oelmann, Y.; Penone, C.; Prati, D.; Reich, P. B.; Rindisbacher, A.; Schäfer, D.; Scheu, S.; Schmid, B.; Tilman, D.; Tscharntke, T.; Vogel, A.; Wagg, C.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Wilcke, W.; Manning, P.: The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, pp. 1485 - 1494 (2020)
Journal Article
Buzhdygan, O. Y.; Meyer, S. T.; Weisser, W. W.; Eisenhauer, N.; Ebeling, A.; Borrett, S. R.; Buchmann, N.; Cortois, R.; Deyn, G. B. D.; de Kroon, H. et al.; Gleixner, G.; Hertzog, L. R.; Hines, J.; Lange, M.; Mommer, L.; Ravenek, J.; Scherber, C.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Schmid, B.; Steinauer, K.; Strecker, T.; Tietjen, B.; Vogel, A.; Weigelt, A.; Petermann, J. S.: Biodiversity increases multitrophic energy use efficiency, flow and storage in grasslands. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, pp. 393 - 405 (2020)
Journal Article
Eisenhauer, N.; Bonkowski, M.; Brose, U.; Buscot, F.; Durka, W.; Ebeling, A.; Fischer, M.; Gleixner, G.; Heintz-Buschart, A.; Hines, J. et al.; Jesch, A.; Lange, M.; Meyer, S.; Roscher, C.; Scheu, S.; Schielzeth, H.; Schloter, M.; Schulz, S.; Unsicker, S.; van Dam, N. M.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Wirth, C.; Wolf, J.; Schmid, B.: Biotic interactions, community assembly, and ecoevolutionary dynamics as drivers of long-term biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships. Research Ideas and Outcomes 5, e47042 (2019)
Journal Article
Metzger, J. C.; Schumacher, J.; Lange, M.; Hildebrandt, A.: Neighbourhood and stand structure affect stemflow generation in a heterogeneous deciduous temperate forest. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (11), pp. 4433 - 4452 (2019)
Journal Article
Roth, V.-N.; Lange, M.; Simon, C.; Hertkorn, N.; Bucher, S.; Goodall, T.; Griffiths, R. I.; Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Mommer, L.; Oram, N. J. et al.; Weigelt, A.; Dittmar, T.; Gleixner, G.: Persistence of dissolved organic matter explained by molecular changes during its passage through soil. Nature Geoscience 12 (9), pp. 755 - 761 (2019)
Journal Article
Leidinger, J.; Seibold, S.; Weisser, W. W.; Lange, M.; Schall, P.; Tuerke, M.; Gossner, M. M.: Effects of forest management on herbivorous insects in temperate Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 437, pp. 232 - 245 (2019)
Journal Article
Roscher, C.; Karlowsky, S.; Milcu, A.; Gessler, A.; Bachmann, D.; Jesch, A.; Lange, M.; Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Strecker, T.; Landais, D. et al.; Ravel, O.; Buchmann, N.; Roy, J.; Gleixner, G.: Functional composition has stronger impact than species richness on carbon gain and allocation in experimental grasslands. PLoS One 14 (1), e0204715 (2019)
Journal Article
Fischer, C.; Leimer, S.; Roscher, C.; Ravenek, J.; de Kroon, H.; Kreutziger, Y.; Baade, J.; Bessler, H.; Eisenhauer, N.; Weigelt, A. et al.; Mommer, L.; Lange, M.; Gleixner, G.; Wilcke, W.; Schroder, B.; Hildebrandt, A.: Plant species richness and functional groups have different effects on soil water content in a decade‐long grassland experiment. Journal of Ecology 107 (1), pp. 127 - 141 (2019)
Journal Article
Mellado-Vázquez, P. G.; Lange, M.; Gleixner, G.: Soil microbial communities and their carbon assimilation are affected by soil properties and season but not by plants differing in their photosynthetic pathways (C3 vs. C4). Biogeochemistry 142 (2), pp. 175 - 187 (2019)
Journal Article
Karlowsky, S.; Augusti, A.; Ingrisch, J.; Hasibeder, R.; Lange, M.; Lavorel, S.; Bahn, M.; Gleixner, G.: Land use in mountain grasslands alters drought response and recovery of carbon allocation and plant-microbial interactions. Journal of Ecology 106 (3), pp. 1230 - 1243 (2018)
Journal Article
Türke, M.; Lange, M.; Eisenhauer, N.: Gut shuttle service: endozoochory of dispersal-limited soil fauna by gastropods. Oecologia 186 (3), pp. 655 - 664 (2018)
Journal Article
Ebeling, A.; Rzanny, M.; Lange, M.; Eisenhauer, N.; Hertzog, L. R.; Meyer, S. T.; Weisser, W. W.: Plant diversity induces shifts in the functional structure and diversity across trophic levels. Oikos 127 (2), pp. 208 - 219 (2018)
Journal Article
Milcu, A.; Puga-Freitas, R.; Ellison, A. M.; Blouin, M.; Scheu, S.; Girin, T.; Frechet, G.; Rose, L.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Barot, S. et al.; Lata, J.-C.; Cesarz, S.; Eisenhauer, N.; Gigon, A.; Weigelt, A.; Hansart, A.; Greiner, A.; Pando, A.; Gessler, A.; Grignani, C.; Assandri, D.; Gleixner, G.; Le Galliard, J.-F.; Urban-Mead, K.; Zavattaro, L.; Muller, M. E.H.; Lange, M.; Lukac, M.; Bonkowski, M.; Mannerheim, N.; Buchmann, N.; Butenschoen, O.; Rotter, P.; Seyhun, R.; Devidal, S.; Kayler, Z.; Roy, J.: Genotypic variability enhances the reproducibility of an ecological study. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (2), pp. 279 - 287 (2018)
Journal Article
Hacker, N.; Gleixner, G.; Lange, M.; Wilcke, W.; Oelmann, Y.: Phosphorus release from mineral soil by acid hydrolysis: method development, kinetics, and plant community composition effects. Soil Science Society of America 81 (6), pp. 1389 - 1400 (2018)
Journal Article
Ebeling, A.; Hines, J.; Hertzog, L. R.; Lange, M.; Meyer, S. T.; Simons, N. K.; Weisser, W. W.: Plant diversity effects on arthropods and arthropod-dependent ecosystem functions in a biodiversity experiment. Basic and Applied Ecology 26, pp. 50 - 63 (2018)
Journal Article
Schall, P.; Gossner, M. M.; Heinrichs, S.; Fischer, M.; Boch, S.; Prati, D.; Jung, K.; Baumgartner, V.; Blaser, S.; Böhm, S. et al.; Buscot, F.; Daniel, R.; Goldmann, K.; Kaiser, K.; Kahl, T.; Lange, M.; Müller, J.; Overmann, J.; Renner, S. C.; Schulze, E. D.; Sikorski, J.; Tschapka, M.; Türke, M.; Weisser, W. W.; Wemheuer, B.; Wubet, T.; Ammer, C.: The impact of even-aged and uneven-aged forest management on regional biodiversity of multiple taxa in European beech forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (1), pp. 267 - 278 (2018)
Journal Article
Ammer, C.; Schall, P.; Gossner, M. M.; Heinrichs, S.; Boch, S.; Prati, D.; Jung, K.; Baumgartner, V.; Blaser, S.; Böhm, S. et al.; Buscot, F.; Daniel, R.; Goldmann, K.; Kaiser, K.; Kahl, T.; Lange, M.; Müller, J.; Overmann, J.; Renner, S. C.; Schulze, E. D.; Sikorski, J.; Tschapka, M.; Türke, M.; Weisser, W. W.; Wemheuer, B.; Wubet, T.; Fischer, M.: Waldbewirtschaftung und Biodiversität: Vielfalt ist gefragt. AFZ, der Wald 72 (17), pp. 20 - 25 (2017)
Journal Article
Zhang, X.; Xu, B.; Günther, F.; Mügler, I.; Lange, M.; Zhao, H.; Li, J.; Gleixner, G.: Hydrogen isotope ratios of terrestrial leaf wax n-alkanes from the Tibetan Plateau: Controls on apparent enrichment factors, effect of vapor sources and implication for altimetry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211, pp. 10 - 27 (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, H.; Oram, N. J.; Barry, K. E.; Mommer, L.; van Ruijven, J.; de Kroon, H.; Ebeling, A.; Eisenhauer, N.; Fischer, C.; Gleixner, G. et al.; Gessler, A.; Mace, O. G.; Hacker, N.; Hildebrandt, A.; Lange, M.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Scheu, S.; Oelmann, Y.; Wagg, C.; Wilcke, W.; Wirth, C.; Weigelt, A.: Root chemistry and soil fauna, but not soil abiotic conditions explain the effects of plant diversity on root decomposition. Oecologia 185 (3), pp. 499 - 511 (2017)
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