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Publications of C. Beer

Journal Article (32)

Journal Article
Ciais, P.; Wattenbach, M.; Vuichard, N.; Smith, P.; Piao, S.L.; Don, A.; Luyssaert, S.; Janssens, I.; Bondeau, A.; Dechow, R. et al.; Leip, A.; Smith, P.; Beer, C.; Van Der Werf, G.R.; Gervois, S.; Van Oost, K.; Tomelleri, E.; Freibauer, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Team, C. S.: The European carbon balance. Part 2: croplands. Global Change Biology 16 (5), pp. 1409 - 1428 (2010)
Journal Article
Luyssaert, S.; Ciais, P.; Piao, S. L.; Schulze, E.-D.; Jung, M.; Zaehle, S.; Schelhaas, M. J.; Reichstein, M.; Churkina, G.; Papale, D. et al.; Abril, G.; Beer, C.; Grace, J.; Loustau, D.; Matteucci, G.; Magnani, F.; Nabuurs, G. J.; Verbeeck, H.; Sulkava, M.; Van Der Werf, G. R.; Janssens, I.; Team, C. S.: The European carbon balance. Part 3: forests. Global Change Biology 16 (5), pp. 1429 - 1450 (2010)
Journal Article
Mahecha, M. D.; Reichstein, M.; Jung, M.; Seneviratne, S. I.; Zaehle, S.; Beer, C.; Braakhekke, M. C.; Carvalhais, N.; Lange, H.; Le Maire, G. et al.; Moors, E.: Comparing observations and process-based simulations of biosphere-atmosphere exchanges on multiple time scales. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115, BGC1334, p. G02003 (2010)
Journal Article
Beer, C.; Ciais, P.; Reichstein, M.; Baldocchi, D.; Law, B. E.; Papale, D.; Soussana, J. F.; Ammann, C.; Buchmann, N.; Frank, D. et al.; Gianelle, D.; Janssens, I. A.; Knohl, A.; Kostner, B.; Moors, E.; Roupsard, O.; Verbeeck, H.; Vesala, T.; Williams, C. A.; Wohlfahrt, G.: Temporal and among-site variability of inherent water use efficiency at the ecosystem level. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 23 (2), p. GB2018 (2009)
Journal Article
Reichstein, M.; Ciais, P.; Beer, C.; Beier, C.; Ibrom, A.; Janssens, I.; Jung, M.; Misson, L.; Seneviratne, S.; Smith, P. et al.; Williams, C.; Wirth, C.: The role of climate variability and extremes for global terrestrial carbon dynamics: lessons learnt from multiple observations and experiments. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 042006 (2009)
Journal Article
Weber, U.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Beer, C.; Braakhekke, M. C.; Lehsten, V.; Ghent, D.; Kaduk, J.; Viovy, N.; Ciais, P. et al.; Gobron, N.; Rödenbeck, C.: The interannual variability of Africa's ecosystem productivity: a multi-model analysis. Biogeosciences 6 (2), pp. 285 - 295 (2009)
Journal Article
Beer, C.: Soil science - The Arctic carbon count. Nature Geoscience 1 (9), pp. 569 - 570 (2008)
Journal Article
Reichstein, M.; Beer, C.: Soil respiration across scales: the importance of a model-data integration framework for data interpretation. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171 (3), pp. 344 - 354 (2008)
Journal Article
Beer, C.; Lucht, W.; Gerten, D.; Thonicke, K.; Schmullius, C.: Effects of soil freezing and thawing on vegetation carbon density in Siberia: A modeling analysis with the Lund-Potsdam-Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (LPJ-DGVM). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (1), p. GB1012 (2007)
Journal Article
Beer, C.; Reichstein, M.; Ciais, P.; Farquhar, G. D.; Papale, D.: Mean annual GPP of Europe derived from its water balance. Geophysical Research Letters 34 (5), p. L05401 (2007)
Journal Article
Luyssaert, S.; Inglima, I.; Jung, M.; Richardson, A. D.; Reichstein, M.; Papale, D.; Piao, S. L.; Schulze, E. D.; Wingate, L.; Matteucci, G. et al.; Aragao, L.; Aubinet, M.; Beer, C.; Bernhoffer, C.; Black, K. G.; Bonal, D.; Bonnefond, J. M.; Chambers, J.; Ciais, P.; Cook, B.; Davis, K. J.; Dolman, A. J.; Gielen, B.; Goulden, M.; Grace, J.; Granier, A.; Grelle, A.; Griffis, T.; Grunwald, T.; Guidolotti, G.; Hanson, P. J.; Harding, R.; Hollinger, D. Y.; Hutyra, L. R.; Kolar, P.; Kruijt, B.; Kutsch, W. L.; Lagergren, F.; Laurila, T.; Law, B. E.; Le Maire, G.; Lindroth, A.; Loustau, D.; Malhi, Y.; Mateus, J.; Migliavacca, M.; Misson, L.; Montagnani, L.; Moncrieff, J.; Moors, E.; Munger, J. W.; Nikinmaa, E.; Ollinger, S. V.; Pita, G.; Rebmann, C.; Roupsard, O.; Saigusa, N.; Sanz, M. J.; Seufert, G.; Sierra, C. A.; Smith, M. L.; Tang, J.; Valentini, R.; Vesala, T.; Janssens, I. A.: The CO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database. Global Change Biology 13 (12), pp. 2509 - 2537 (2007)
Journal Article
Beer, C.; Lucht, W.; Schmullius, C.; Shvidenko, A.: Small net carbon dioxide uptake by Russian forests during 1981-1999. Geophysical Research Letters 33 (15), p. L15403 (2006)
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