Publications of Carsten Simon
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
: Cycling of dissolved organic nutrients and indications for nutrient limitations in contrasting Amazon rainforest ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 167, pp. 1567 - 1588 (2024)
Journal Article
189, 109280 (2024)
Stability and carbon uptake of the soil microbial community is determined by differences between rhizosphere and bulk soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 3.
Journal Article
56 (15), pp. 11027 - 11040 (2022)
Mass difference matching unfolds hidden molecular structures of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science & Technology 4.
Journal Article
: Molecular links between whitesand ecosystems and blackwater formation in the Rio Negro watershed. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 311, pp. 274 - 291 (2021)
Journal Article
: An international laboratory comparison of dissolved organic matter composition by high resolution mass spectrometry: Are we getting the same answer? Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 18 (6), pp. 235 - 258 (2020)
Journal Article
: Persistence of dissolved organic matter explained by molecular changes during its passage through soil. Nature Geoscience 12 (9), pp. 755 - 761 (2019)
Journal Article
129, pp. 45 - 62 (2019)
Riverine mixing at the molecular scale - An ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry study on dissolved organic matter and selected metals in the Amazon confluence zone (Manaus, Brazil). Organic Geochemistry 8.
Journal Article
6, 138 (2018)
Molecular signals of heterogeneous terrestrial environments identified in dissolved organic matter: a comparative analysis of orbitrap and ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometers. Frontiers in Earth Science Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Identification of ecosystem-specific markers in terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) by Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Dissertation, 220 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2020)