© E.D. Schulze/BGC

Publications of Y. Tiwari

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Peylin, P.; Breon, F. M.; Serrar, S.; Tiwari, Y.; Chedin, A.; Gloor, M.; Machida, T.; Brenninkmeijer, C.; Zahn, A.; Ciais, P.: Evaluation of television infrared observation satellite (TIROS-N) operational vertical sounder (TOVS) spaceborne CO2 estimates using model simulations and aircraft data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 112 (9), p. D09313 (2007)
Journal Article
Tiwari, Y. K.; Gloor, M.; Engelen, R. J.; Chevallier, F.; Rödenbeck, C.; Körner, S.; Peylin, P.; Braswell, B. H.; Heimann, M.: Comparing CO2 retrieved from atmospheric infrared sounder with model predictions: implications for constraining surface fluxes and lower-to-upper troposphere transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (17), p. D17106 (2006)
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