© E.D. Schulze/BGC

Publications of John Kim

Journal Article (8)

Journal Article
Liu, H.; Mao, Z.; Wang, Y.; Kim, J.; Bourrier, F.; Mohamed, A.; Stokes, A.: Slow recovery from soil disturbance increases susceptibility of high elevation forests to landslides. Forest Ecology and Management 485, 118891 (2021)
Journal Article
Kim, J. H.; Jobbágy, E. G.; Richter, D. D.; Trumbore, S. E.; Jackson, R. B.: Agricultural acceleration of soil carbonate weathering. Global Change Biology 26 (10), pp. 5988 - 6002 (2020)
Journal Article
Y. Wang, Y.; Kim, J. H.; Mao, Z.; Ramel, M.; Pailler, F.; Perez, J.; Rey, H.; Tron, S.; Jourdan, C.; Stokes, A.: Tree root dynamics in montane and sub-alpine mixed forest patches. Annals of Botany 122 (5), pp. 861 - 872 (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, Y.; Mao, Z.; Bakker, M. R.; Kim, J. H.; Brancheriau, L.; Buatois, B.; Leclerc, R.; Selli, L.; Rey, H.; Jourdan, C. et al.; Stoke, A.: Linking conifer root growth and production to soil temperature and carbon supply in temperate forests. Plant and Soil 426, pp. 33 - 50 (2018)
Journal Article
Kim, J.; Fourcaud, T.; Jourdan, C.; Maeght, J.-L.; Mao, Z.; Metayer, J.; Meylan, L.; Pierret, A.; Rapidel, B.; Roupsard, O. et al.; de Rouw, A.; Sanchez, M. V.; Wang, Y.; Stokes, A.: Vegetation as a driver of temporal variations in slope stability: The impact of hydrological processes. Geophysical Research Letters 44 (10), pp. 4897 - 4907 (2017)
Journal Article
Germon, A.; Cardinael, R.; Prieto, I.; Mao, Z.; Kim, J.; Stokes, A.; Dupraz, C.; Laclau, J.-P.; Jourdan, C.: Unexpected phenology and lifespan of shallow and deep fine roots of walnut trees grown in a silvoarable Mediterranean agroforestry system. Plant and Soil 401 (1), pp. 409 - 426 (2016)
Journal Article
Kim, J.; Jobbygy, E. G.; Jackson, R. B.: Trade-offs in water and carbon ecosystem services with land-use changes in grasslands. Ecological Applications 26 (6), pp. 1633 - 1644 (2016)
Journal Article
Cardinael, R.; Mao, Z.; Prieto, I.; Stokes, A.; Dupraz, C.; Kim, J.; Jourdan, C.: Competition with winter crops induces deeper rooting of walnut trees in a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system. Plant and Soil 391, pp. 219 - 235 (2015)
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