© E.D. Schulze/BGC

Publications of Arne Leider

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Gabriel, N. W.; Papineau, D.; She, Z.; Leider, A.; Fogel, M. L.: Organic diagenesis in stromatolitic dolomite and chert from the late Palaeoproterozoic McLeary Formation. Precambrian Research 354, 106052 (2021)
Journal Article
Schmidt, C.; Nikeleit, V.; Schaedler, F.; Leider, A.; Lueder, U.; Bryce, C.; Hallmann, C.; Kappler, A.: Metabolic responses of a phototrophic co-culture enriched from a freshwater sediment on changing substrate availability and its relevance for biogeochemical iron cycling. Geomicrobiology Journal 38 (3), pp. 267 - 281 (2021)
Journal Article
van Maldegem, L.; Nettersheim, B. J.; Leider, A.; Brocks, J. J.; Adam, P.; Schaeffer, P.; Hallmann, C.: Geological alteration of Precambrian steroids mimics early animal signatures. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5, pp. 169 - 173 (2021)
Journal Article
French, K. L.; Leider, A.; Hallmann, C.: Comparability and reproducibility of biomarker ratio values measured by GC-QQQ-MS. Organic Geochemistry 150, 104124 (2020)
Journal Article
Leider, A.; Richter-Brockmann, S.; Nettersheim, B. J.; Achten, C.; Hallmann, C.: Low-femtogram sensitivity analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons using GC-APLI-TOF mass spectrometry: Extending the target window for aromatic steroids in early Proterozoic rocks. Organic Geochemistry 129, pp. 77 - 87 (2019)
Journal Article
Muller, É.; Thomazo, C.; Stüeken, E. E.; Hallmann, C.; Leider, A.; Chaduteau, C.; Buick, R.; Baton, F.; Philippot, P.; Ader, M.: Bias in carbon concentration and delta13C measurements of organic matter due to cleaning treatments with organic solvents. Chemical Geology 493, pp. 405 - 412 (2018)
Journal Article
Hoshino, Y.; Poshibaeva, A.; Meredith, W.; Snape, C.; Poshibaev, V.; Versteegh, G. J. M.; Kuznetsov, N.; Leider, A.; van Maldegem, L.; Neumann, M. et al.; Naeher, S.; Moczydłowska, M.; Brocks, J. J.; Jarrett, A. J. M.; Tang, Q.; Xiao, S.; McKirdy, D.; Das, S. K.; Alvaro, J. J.; Sansjofre, P.; Hallmann, C.: Cryogenian evolution of stigmasteroid biosynthesis. Science Advances 3 (9), e1700887 (2017)
Journal Article
Leider, A.; Schumacher, T. C.; Hallmann, C.: Enhanced procedural blank control for organic geochemical studies of critical sample material. Geobiology 14 (5), pp. 469 - 482 (2016)
Journal Article
Leider, A.; Hinrichs, K.-U.; Schefuß, E.; Versteegh, G. J.M.: Distribution and stable isotopes of plant wax derived n-alkanes in lacustrine, fluvial and marine surface sediments along an Eastern Italian transect and their potential to reconstruct the hydrological cycle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 117, pp. 16 - 32 (2013)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Nettersheim, B. J.; van Maldegem, L.; Leider, A.; Tarozo, R.; Hallmann, C.: Pyrolytic formation of alkylsteranes — Assigning geological orphans to their biological parents. In: 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 2019. 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry , Gothenburg, Sweden, September 01, 2019 - September 06, 2019. European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (2019)
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