In Jena, it is traditional for newly graduated doctoral students to throw a wreath over the sword of Hanfried (statue of Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, the founder of the university) on the market square. The photo shows a wreath thrown high.

Publications of Axel Kleidon

Journal Article (127)

Journal Article
Jackson, R. B.; Schenk, H. J.; Jobbágy, E. G.; Canadell, J.; Colello, G. D.; Dickinson, R. E.; Field, C. B.; Friedlingstein, P.; Heimann, M.; Hibbard, K. et al.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Kleidon, A.; Neilson, R. P.; Parton, W. J.; Sala, O. E.; Sykes, M. T.: Belowground consequences of vegetation change and their treatment in models. Ecological Applications 10 (2), pp. 470 - 483 (2000)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Fraedrich, K.; Heimann, M.: A green planet versus a desert world: Estimating the maximum effect of vegetation on the land surface climate. Climatic Change 44 (4), pp. 471 - 493 (2000)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Heimann, M.: Assessing the role of deep rooted vegetation in the climate system with model simulations: mechanism, comparison to observations and implications for Amazonian deforestation. Climate Dynamics 16 (2-3), pp. 183 - 199 (2000)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Heimann, M.: Deep-rooted vegetation, Amazonian deforestation, and climate: results from a modelling study. Global Ecology and Biogeography 8 (5), pp. 397 - 405 (1999)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Heimann, M.: A method of determining rooting depth from a terrestrial biosphere model and its impacts on the global water and carbon cycle. Global Change Biology 4 (3), pp. 275 - 286 (1998)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Heimann, M.: Optimized rooting depth and its impacts on the simulated climate of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model. Geophysical Research Letters 25 (3), pp. 345 - 348 (1998)
Journal Article
Kleidon, A.; Heimann, M.: Simulating root carbon storage with a coupled carbon-water cycle root model. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 21 (5-6), pp. 499 - 502 (1996)

Book (3)

Kleidon, A.: Thermodynamic Foundations of the Earth System. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2016), 379 pp.
Strelcová, K.; Mátyás, C.; Kleidon, A.; Lapin, M.; Matejka, F.; Blazenec, M.; Skvarenina, J.; Holecy, J.: Bioclimatology and natural hazards. Springer, Dordrecht [u.a.] (2008), XVI, 298 pp.
Kleidon, A.: Quantifizierung optimaler Funktion der Landbiosphaere und deren Auswirkung auf das Erdsystem. (2007)

Book Chapter (11)

Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.: Understanding the earth as a whole system: From the Gaia hypothesis to thermodynamic optimality and human societies. In: Vom Umgang mit der Welt zwischen Ausdruck und Ordnung, pp. 417 - 446 (Eds. König, P.; Schlaudt, O.). Kosmos: Heidelberg University Publishing, Heidelberg (2023)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.: Empowering the Earth system by technology: Using thermodynamics of the Earth system to illustrate a possible sustainable future of the planet. In: Strategies for Sustainability of the Earth System. Strategies for Sustainability., pp. 433 - 444 (Eds. Wilderer, P. A.; Grambow, M.; Molls, M.; Oexle , K.). Springer, Cham (2022)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.; Zehe, E.; Ehret, U.; Scherer, U.: Earth system dynamics as the consequence of the second law: Maximum power limits, dissipative structures, and planetary interactions. In: Beyond the second law: entropy production and non-equilibrium systems, pp. 163 - 182 (Eds. Dewar, R. C.; Lineweaver, C.; Niven, R.; Regenauer-Lieb, K.) (2014)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.: Understanding life from a thermodynamic Earth system perspective. In: Proceedings of the 12th Joint European Thermodynamics Conference, pp. 61 - 66 (Eds. Pilotelli , M.; Beretta , G. P.). Università degli Studi di Brescia, Brescia (2013)
Book Chapter
Gans, F.; Miller, L.; Kleidon, A.: Abschätzung des Windenergiepotenzials von Deutschland. In: Kraftwerkstechnik: Sichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung, Band 4, pp. 729 - 736 (Eds. Beckmann, M.; Hurtado, A.). TK Verlag, Karl Thomé-Kozmiensky,, Neuruppin (2012)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.; Zehe, E.; Lin, H.: Chapter 8: Thermodynamics limits of the critical zone and its relevance to hydropedology. In: Hydropedology: Synergistic Integration of Soil Science and Hydrology, pp. 243 - 281 (Ed. Lin, H.). Academic Press, Elsevier, Amsterdam u.a. (2012)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.; Gans, F.; Miller, L.; Pavlick, R.: Sonne, Wind und Wellen - Natürliche Grenzen erneuerbarer Energien im Erdsystem. In: Kraftwerkstechnik, Vol. 3, pp. 463 - 470 (Ed. Beckmann, H.). TK Verlag, Neuruppin (2011)
Book Chapter
Schymanski, S. J.; Kleidon, A.; Roderick, M. L.: Ecohydrological optimality. In: Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (Eds. Anderson, M. G.; Mcdonnell, J. J.). Wiley, Chichester (2009)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.: Energy balance. In: Encyclopedia of Ecology, pp. 1276 - 1289 (Ed. Joergensen, S. E.). Elsevier, Amsterdam [u.a.] (2008)
Book Chapter
Kleidon, A.; Schymanski, S.; Stieglitz, M.: Thermodynamics, irreversibility and optimality in land surface hydrology. In: Bioclimatology and Natural Hazards, pp. 107 - 118 (Eds. Střelcová, K.; Mátyás, F.; Kleidon, A.). Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (2008)
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