In Jena, it is traditional for newly graduated doctoral students to throw a wreath over the sword of Hanfried (statue of Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, the founder of the university) on the market square. The photo shows a wreath thrown high.

Publications of Michelle Robin

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Robin, M.; Römermann, C.; Niinemets, Ü.; Gershenzon, J.; Huang, J.; Nelson, B. W.; Taylor, T. C.; Souza, V. F.; Pinho, D.; Falcão, L. et al.; Lacerda, C.; Duvoisin Jr., S.; Schmidt, A.; Gomes-Alves, E.: Interactions between leaf phenological type and functional traits drive variation in isoprene emissions in central Amazon forest trees. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1522606 (2024)
Journal Article
Mori, G. B.; Schöngart, J.; Schietti, J.; Householder, J. E.; Robin, M.; Wittmann, F.; Poorter, L.; Piedade, M. T. F.: Ecosystem type affects how Amazonian tree species invest in stem and twig wood. Functional Ecology 38 (7), pp. 1486 - 1496 (2024)
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