In Jena, it is traditional for newly graduated doctoral students to throw a wreath over the sword of Hanfried (statue of Johann Friedrich I of Saxony, the founder of the university) on the market square. The photo shows a wreath thrown high.

Publications of H. F. Jungkunst

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Don, A.; Bärwolff, M.; Kalbitz, K.; Andruschkewitsch, R.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Schulze, E. D.: No rapid soil carbon loss after a windthrow event in the High Tatra. Forest Ecology and Management 276, pp. 239 - 246 (2012)
Journal Article
Fiedler, S.; Höll, B. S.; Jungkunst, H. F.: Discovering the importance of lateral CO2 transport from a temperate spruce forest. Science of the Total Environment 368 (2-3), pp. 909 - 915 (2006)
Journal Article
Jungkunst, H. F.; Freibauer, A.; Neufeldt, H.; Bareth, G.: Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural land use in Germany - a synthesis of available annual field data. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 169 (3), pp. 341 - 351 (2006)
Journal Article
Fiedler, S.; Höll, B. S.; Jungkunst, H. F.: Methane budget of a Black Forest spruce ecosystem considering soil pattern. Biogeochemistry 76 (1), pp. 1 - 20 (2005)
Journal Article
Höll, B. S.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Fiedler, S.; Stahr, K.: Indirect nitrous oxide emission from a nitrogen saturated spruce forest and general accuracy of the IPCC methodology. Atmospheric Environment 39 (32), pp. 5959 - 5970 (2005)
Journal Article
Jungkunst, H. F.; Fiedler, S.: Geomorphology - key regulator of net methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from the pedosphere. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 49 (4), pp. 529 - 543 (2005)
Journal Article
Jungkunst, H. F.; Fiedler, S.; Stahr, K.: N2O emissions of a mature Norway spruce (Picea abies) stand in the Black Forest (southwest Germany) as differentiated by the soil pattern. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (7), p. D07302 (2004)

Book (2)

Smith, P.; Ambus, P.; Amezquita, M. C.; Andren, O.; Arrouays, D.; Ball, B.; Boeckx, P.; Brüning, C.; Buchmann, N.; Buendia, L. et al.: Greenhouse gas emissions from European croplans. University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (2004)
Soussana, J. F.; Saletes, S.; Smith, P.; Ambus, P.; Amezquita, M. C.; Andren, O.; Arrouays, D.; Ball, B.; Boeckx, P.; Brüning, C. et al.: Greenhouse gas emissions from European grasslands. University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (2004)