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Publications of Viviana Horna

Journal Article (36)

Journal Article
Niessner, A.; Ehekircher, S.; Zimmermann, R.; Horna, V.; Reichle, D.; Land, A.; Spangenberg, G.; Hein, S.: Soil drought sets site specific limits to stem radial growth and sap flow of Douglas-fir across Germany. Frontiers in Plant Science 15, 1401833 (2024)
Journal Article
de Sá, P. A.; Schöngart, J.; Wittmann, F.; Piedade, M. T. F.; Tommasiello-Filho, M.; Oliveira, R. S.; Horna, V.; Parolin, P.; Durgante, F. M.: Hydrological and climate intensification induces conservative behavior in the Hydrochorea corymbosa xylem production in a Central Amazon floodplain forest. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12, 1292132 (2024)
Journal Article
Glatthorn, J.; Maier, B.; Binder, F.; Brang, P.; Frischbier, N.; Horna, V.; Klumpp, R.; Nikolova, P. S.; Aas, G.: Limited influence of air temperature and precipitation on six-year survival and growth of non-native tree species in a Central European multi-site field trial. Forest Ecology and Management 553, 121645 (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, B. W.; Horna, V.; Heckmann, M.; Hapsari, K. A.; Zimmermann, R.; Behling, H.: Holocene environmental changes inferred from an oxbow lake in a Mauritia palm swamp (aguajal) in the Madre de Dios region, southeastern Peru. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 312, 104863 (2023)
Journal Article
Schmidt, M.; Horna, V.; Paligi, S.; Schuldt, B.; Zimmermann, R.; Aas, G.: Trockentoleranz alternativer Baumarten auf Versuchsflächen. LWF aktuell 4, pp. 4 - 7 (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, B.; Hapsari, K. A.; Horna, V.; Zimmermann, R.: Late Holocene peatland palm swamp (aguajal) development, carbon deposition and environment changes in the Madre de Dios region, southeastern Peru. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 594, 110955 (2022)
Journal Article; Blundo, C.; Carilla, J.; Grau, R.; Horna, V.; et al.: Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260, 108849 (2021)
Journal Article
Jensen, K.; McDonald, K.; Podest, E.; Rodriguez-Alvarez, N.; Horna, V.; Steiner, N.: Assessing L-band GNSS-reflectometry and imaging radar for detecting sub-canopy inundation dynamics in a tropical wetlands complex. Remote Sensing 10 (9), 1431 (2018)
Journal Article
Küppers, M.; Küppers, B. I. L.; Horna, V.; Veste, M.; Zimmermann, R.; Lauerer, M.; Aas, G.: Green barks of trees from drought deciduous forests (“Bosque Seco”) in Northern Peru / Southern Ecuador do not perform CAM. Basic and Applied Dryland Research (2015)
Journal Article
Moser, G.; Schuldt, B.; Hertel, D.; Horna, V.; Barus, C.; Leuschner, H.: Replicated throughfall exclusion experiment in an Indonesian perhumid rainforest: ​Wood production, litter fall and fine root growth under simulated drought​. Global Change Biology 20 (5), pp. 1481 - 1497 (2014)
Journal Article
Toivonen, J. M.; Horna, V.; Kessler, M.; Ruokolainen, K.; Hertel, D.: Interspecific variation in functional traits in relation to species climatic niche optima in Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) tree species: Evidence for climatic adaptations. Functional Plant Biology 41 (3), pp. 301 - 312 (2014)
Journal Article
Gebauer, T.; Horna, V.; Leuschner, C.: Canopy transpiration of pure and mixed forest stands with variable abundance of European beech. Journal of Hydrology 442-443, pp. 2 - 14 (2013)
Journal Article
Müller, A.; Horna, V.; Kleemann, F.; Vornam, B.; Leuschner, C.: Physiological vs. morphological traits controlling the productivity of six aspen full-sib families. Biomass and Bioenergy 56, pp. 274 - 283 (2013)
Journal Article
Köcher, P.; Horna, V.; Leuschner, C.: Stem water storage in five coexisting temperate broad-leaved tree species: Significance, temporal dynamics and dependence on tree functional traits. Tree Physiology 33 (8), pp. 817 - 832 (2013)
Journal Article
Schuldt, B.; Leuschner, C.; Brock, N.; Horna, V.: Changes in wood density, wood anatomy and hydraulic properties of the xylem along the root-to-shoot flow path in tropical rainforest trees. Tree Physiology 33 (2), pp. 161 - 174 (2013)
Journal Article
Müller, A.; Horna, V.; Zhang, C.; Leuschner, C.: Different growth strategies determine the carbon gain and productivity of aspen collectives to be used in short-rotation plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 46, pp. 242 - 250 (2012)
Journal Article
Köcher, P.; Horna, V.; Beckmeyer, I.; Leuschner, C.: Hydraulic properties and embolism in small-diameter roots of five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting drought tolerance. Annals of Forest Science 69 (6), pp. 693 - 703 (2012)
Journal Article
Wittich, B.; Horna, V.; Homeier, J.; Leuschner, C.: Altitudinal change in the photosynthetic capacity of tropical trees: A case study from Ecuador and a pantropical literature analysis. Ecosystems 15 (6), pp. 958 - 973 (2012)
Journal Article
Köcher, P.; Horna, V.; Leuschner, C.: Environmental control of daily stem growth patterns in five temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 32 (8), pp. 1021 - 1032 (2012)
Journal Article
Müller, A.; Leuschner, C.; Horna, V.; Zhang, C.: Photosynthetic characteristics and growth performance of closely related aspen taxa: On the systematic relatedness of the Eurasian Populus tremula and the North American P. tremuloides. Flora 207 (2), pp. 87 - 95 (2012)
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