Publikationen von A. Kleidon

Buchkapitel (11)

Kareiva, P.; Agard, J. B. R.; Alder, J.; Bennett, E.; Butler, C.; Carpenter, S.; Cheung, W. W. L.; Cumming, G. S.; Defries, R.; De Vries, B. et al.; Dickinson, R. E.; Dobson, J.; Foley, J. A.; Geoghegan, J.; Holland, B.; Kabat, P.; Keymer, J.; Kleidon, A.; Lodge, D.; Manson, S.; Mcglade, J.; Mooney, H. A.; Parma, A. M.; Pascual, M. A.; Pereira, H. M.; Rosegrant, M.; Ringler, C.; Sala, O. E.; Turner Ii, B. L.; Van Vuuren, D.; Wall, D. H.; Wilkinson, P.; Wolters, V.: State of the art in simulating future changes in ecosystem services. In: Ecosystems and human well-being: scenarios: findings of the Scenarios Working Group, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, S. 71 - 115 (Hg. Carpenter, S.; Pingali, P. L.; Bennett, E. M.; Zurek, M. B.). Island Press, Washington (2005)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Kleidon, A.: Was leistet die Erde und was trägt die Menschheit dazu bei? Antworten aus der Thermodynamik des Erdsystems. In: Leibniz Online, Bd. 37. Leibniz-Tag, Berlin, 09. Juli 2019. (2019)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation (1)

Hochschulschrift - Habilitation
Kleidon, A.: Thermodynamic Foundations of the Earth system. Habilitation, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena (2017)

Bericht (1)

Agora Energiewende; Agora Verkehrswende; Technical University of Denmark; Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry: Making the most of offshore wind: Re-evaluating the potential of offshore wind in the German North Sea. (2020)

Preprint (3)

Hu, P.-H.; Reick, C. H.; Schnur, R.; Kleidon, A.; Claussen, M.: The new plant functional diversity model JeDi-BACH (version 1.0) in the ICON earth system model (version 1.0). Geoscientific Model Development Discussions (2024)
Kleidon, A.: Droughts in Germany - Why global climate change amplifies hydrological extremes. arXiv (2024)
Kleidon, A.: Wind energy potential of the German Bight: Limits and consequences of large-scale offshore wind energy use. arXiv (2023)

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