Publikationen von Markus Lange

Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Allan, E.; Weisser, W. W.; Fischer, M.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weigelt, A.; Roscher, C.; Baade, J.; Barnard, R. L.; Bessler, H.; Buchmann, N. et al.: A comparison of the strength of biodiversity effects across multiple functions. Oecologia 173, S. 223 - 237 (2013)
Gossner, M. M.; Getzin, S.; Lange, M.; Pašalic, E.; Türke, M.; Wiegand, K.; Weisser, W. W.: The importance of heterogeneity revisited from a multiscale and multitaxa approach. Biological Conservation 166, S. 212 - 220 (2013)
Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Prati, D.; Gossner, M. M.; Alt, F.; Boch, S.; Gockel, S.; Hemp, A.; Lange, M.; Müller, J. et al.: Does organic grassland farming benefit plant and arthropod diversity at the expense of yield and soil fertility? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 177, S. 1 - 9 (2013)
Türke, M.; Andreas, K.; Gossner, M. M.; Kowalski, E.; Lange, M.; Boch, S.; Socher, S. A.; Müller, J.; Prati, D.; Fischer, M. et al.: Are gastropods, rather than ants, important dispersers of seeds of myrmecochorous forest herbs? American Naturalist 179 (1), S. 124 - 131 (2012)
Lange, M.; Gossner, M. M.; Weisser, W. W.: Effect of pitfall trap type and diameter on vertebrate by‐catches and ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and spider (Araneae) sampling. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2 (2), S. 185 - 190 (2011)
Kowalski, E.; Gossner, M. M.; Türke, M.; Lange, M.; Veddeler, D.; Hessenmöller, D.; Schulze, E.-D.; Weisser, W. W.: The use of forest inventory data for placing flight-interception traps in the forest canopy. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 140 (1), S. 35 - 44 (2011)
Lange, M.; Weisser, W. W.; Gossner, M. M.; Kowalski, E.; Türke, M.; Joner, F.; Fonseca, C. R.: The impact of forest management on litter-dwelling invertebrates: a subtropical–temperate contrast. Biodiversity and Conservation 20 (10), S. 2133 - 2147 (2011)
Proulx, R.; Wirth, C.; Voigt, W.; Weigelt, A.; Roscher, C.; Attinger, S.; Baade, J.; Barnard, R. L.; Buchmann, N.; Buscot, F. et al.: Diversity promotes temporal stability across levels of ecosystem organization in experimental grasslands. Plos One 5 (10), S. e13382 (2010)
Scherber, C.; Eisenhauer, N.; Weisser, W. W.; Schmid, B.; Voigt, W.; Fischer, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Roscher, C.; Weigelt, A.; Allan, E. et al.: Bottom-up effects of plant diversity on multitrophic interactions in a biodiversity experiment. Nature 468 (7323), S. 553 - 556 (2010)

Buchkapitel (2)

Vogel, A.; Ebeling, A.; Gleixner, G.; Roscher, C.; Scheu, S.; Ciobanu, M.; Koller-France, E.; Lange, M.; Lochner, A.; Meyer, S. T. et al.: A new experimental approach to test why biodiversity effects strengthen as ecosystems age. In: Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, Bd. 61, S. 221 - 264 (Hg. Eisenhauer, N.; Bohan, D. A.; Dumbrell, A. J.). Academic Press, London et al. (2019)
Lange, M.; Koller-France, E.; Hildebrandt, A.; Oelmann, Y.; Wilcke, W.; Gleixner, G.: How plant diversity impacts the coupled water, nutrient and carbon cycles. In: Mechanisms underlying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function, Bd. 61, S. 185 - 219 (Hg. Eisenhauer, N.; Bohan, D. A.). Academic Press, London et al. (2019)

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