Publications of Gerhard Boenisch

Journal Article (50)

Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Kromer, B.; Ekwurzel, B.; Boenisch, G.; McNichol, A.; Scheider, R.; von Reden, K.; Östlund, H. G.; Swift, J. H.: The first trans-Arctic 14C section: comparison of the mean ages of the deep waters in the Eurasian and Canadian basins of the Arctic Ocean. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 123 (1-4), pp. 431 - 437 (1997)
Journal Article
Bönisch, G.; Schlosser, P.: Deep water formation and exchange rates in the Greenland/Norwegian seas and the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean derived from tracer balances. Progress in Oceanography 35 (1), pp. 29 - 52 (1995)
Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Boenisch, G.; Kromer, B.; Loosli, H. H.; Bühler, B.; Bayer, R.; Bonani, G.; Koltermann, K.P.: Mid 1980s distribution of tritium, 3He, 14C, and 39Ar in the Greenland/Norwegian seas and the Nansen Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 35 (1), pp. 1 - 28 (1995)
Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Bauch, D.; Fairbanks, R.; Boenisch, G.: Artic river-runoff: mean residence time on the shelves and in the halocline. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 41 (7), pp. 1053 - 1068 (1994)
Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Kromer, B.; Östlund, G.; Ekwurzel, B.; Boenisch, G.; Loosli, H. H.; Purtschert, R.: On the 14C distribution in the central Arctic Ocean: Implication for deep water formation. Radiocarbon 36 (3), pp. 327 - 343 (1994)
Journal Article
Wallace, D. W. R.; Schlosser, P.; Krysell, M.; Boenisch, G.: Halocarbon and tritium 3He dating of the water masses of the Nansen Basin, Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research 39 (2), pp. S435 - S458 (1992)
Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Boenisch, G.; Rhein, M.; Bayer, R.: Reduction of deepwater formation in the Greenland Sea during the 1980s: Evidence from tracer data. Science 251 (4997), pp. 1054 - 1056 (1991)
Journal Article
Michaelis, W.; Boenisch, G.; Jenisch, A.; Ladage, S.; Richnow, H. H.; Seifert, R.; Stoffers, P.: Methane and 3He anomalies related to submarine intraplate volcanic activities. Mitteilungen des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institutes der Universität Hamburg 69, pp. 117 - 127 (1990)
Journal Article
Schlosser, P.; Boenisch, G.; Kromer, B.; Münnich, K. O.: Ventilation rates of the waters in the Nansen basin of the Arctic Ocean derived from a multi-tracer approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 95 (C3), pp. 3265 - 3272 (1990)
Journal Article
Altenbach, A.; Anderson, L.; Baumann, M.; Bieser, J.; Bleil, U.; Bohrmann, H.; Boenisch, G.; Botz, R.; Buessler, K.; Carstens, J. et al.; Gascard, J.-C.; Haake, F.W.; Heidland, K.; Hirschberg, D.; Horwege, S.; Jones, E. P.; Koerner, T.; Koltermann, P.; Krishfield, R.; Kromer, B.; Krysell, M.; Kubisch, M.; Liithje, H.; Marian, P.; Masten, D.; Matthiessen, J.; McKeown, P.; Mudie, P.; Miihlhan, N.; Mumm, N.; Muus, ..; Nowaczyk, N.; Osborne, J.; Pagels, ..; Pfirman, S.; Richez, C.; Richter, B.; Rodriguez, J.; Schlosser, P.; Sobiesiak, M.; Sonnabend, H.; Spielhagen, R.; Steen, E.; Stute, U.; Sundvor, E.; Swift, J.; Thiede, J.; Thomsen, L.; Torp, J.-E.; Vassmyr, S.; Wallace, D.; Weber, W.; Westerlund, S.; Wollenburg, I.; Zemlyak, F.: Breakthrough in Arctic deep-sea research: The R/V Polarstern expedition 1987. EOS 69 (25), pp. 676 - 678 (1988)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Bayer, R.; Schlosser, P.; Boenisch, G.; Rupp, H.; Zaucker, F.; Zimmek, a. G.: Performance and blank components of a mass spectrometric system for routine measurement of helium isotopes and tritium by the 3He ingrowth method. Sitzungsber. der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 5, pp. 241 - 279 (1989)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Bönisch, G.: Spurenstoffuntersuchungen zur Tiefenwasserbildung und -zirkulation im Europäischen Nordmeer. Dissertation, 152 pp., Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg (1991)

Report (1)

Ludin, A.; Weppernig, R.; Boenisch, G.; Schlosser, P.: Mass spectrometric measurement of helium isotopes and tritium. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York (1997), 41 pp.

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