Publications of Ingo Schöning

Journal Article (87)

Journal Article
Richter, A.; Schöning, I.; Kahl, T.; Bauhus, J.; Ruess, L.: Regional environmental conditions shape microbial community structure stronger than local forest management intensity. Forest Ecology and Management 409, pp. 250 - 259 (2018)
Journal Article
Kühn, J.; Richter, A.; Kahl, T.; Bauhus, J.; Schöning, I.; Ruess, L.: Community level lipid profiling of consumers as a tool for soil food web diagnostics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (5), pp. 1265 - 1275 (2018)
Journal Article
Nacke, H.; Schöning, I.; Schindler, M.; Schrumpf, M.; Daniel, R.; Nicol, G. W.; Prosser, J. I.: Links between seawater flooding, soil ammonia oxidiser communities and their response to changes in salinity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (11), fix144 (2017)
Journal Article
Pena, R.; Lang, C.; Lohaus, G.; Boch, S.; Schall, P.; Schöning, I.; Ammer, C.; Fischer, M.; Polle, A.: Phylogenetic and functional traits of ectomycorrhizal assemblages in top soil from different biogeographic regions and forest types. Mycorrhiza 27 (3), pp. 233 - 245 (2017)
Journal Article
Shang, Y.; Sikorski, J.; Bonkowski, M.; Fiore-Donno, A.-M.; Kandeler, E.; Marhan, S.; Boeddinghaus, R. S.; Solly, E.; Schrumpf, M.; Schöning, I. et al.; Wubet, T.; Buscot, F.; Overmann, J.: Inferring interactions in complex microbial communities from nucleotide sequence data and environmental parameters. PLoS One 12 (3), e0173765 (2017)
Journal Article
Grüneberg, G.; Riek, W.; Schöning, I.; Evers, J.; Hartmann, P.; Ziche, D.: Das Kohlenstoffspeichervermögen von Waldböden. AFZ, der Wald 72, pp. 23 - 25 (2017)
Journal Article
Stempfhuber, B.; Richter-Heitmann, T.; Bienek, L.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Friedrich, M.; Schulz, S.; Schloter, M.: Soil pH and plant diversity drive co-occurrence patterns of ammonia and nitrite oxidizer in soils from forest ecosystems. Biology and Fertility of Soils 53 (6), pp. 691 - 700 (2017)
Journal Article
Soliveres, S.; van der Plas, F.; Manning, P.; Prati, D.; Gossner, M. M.; Renner, S. C.; Alt, F.; Arndt, H.; Baumgartner, V.; Binkenstein, J. et al.; Birkhofer, K.; Blaser, S.; Blüthgen, N.; Boch, S.; Böhm, S.; Börschig, C.; Buscot, F.; Diekötter, T.; Heinze, J.; Hölzel, N.; Jung, K.; Klaus, V. H.; Kleinebecker, T.; Klemmer, S.; Krauss, J.; Lange, M.; Morris, E. K.; Müller, J.; Oelmann, Y.; Overmann, J.; Pašalić, E.; Rillig, M. C.; Schaefer, H. M.; Schloter, M.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Sikorski, J.; Socher, S. A.; Solly, E.; Sonnemann, I.; Sorkau, E.; Steckel, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Stempfhuber, B.; Tschapka, M.; Türke, M.; Venter, P. C.; Weiner, C. N.; Weisser, W. W.; Werner, M.; Westphal, C.; Wilcke, W.; Wolters, V.; Wubet, T.; Wurst, S.; Fischer, M.; Allan, E.: Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature 536 (7617), pp. 456 - 459 (2016)
Journal Article
Goldmann, K.; Schröter, K.; Pena, R.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Buscot, F.; Wubet, T.; Polle, A.: Divergent habitat filtering of root and soil fungal communities in temperate beech forests. Scientific Reports 6, 31439 (2016)
Journal Article
Baumann, K.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Ellerbrock, R. H.; Leinweber, P.: Rapid assessment of soil organic matter: Soil color analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Geoderma 278, pp. 49 - 57 (2016)
Journal Article
Boch, S.; Prati, D.; Schöning, I.; Fischer, M.: Lichen species richness is highest in non-intensively used grasslands promoting suitable microhabitats and low vascular plant competition. Biodiversity and Conservation 25 (2), pp. 225 - 238 (2016)
Journal Article
Kaiser, K.; Wemheuer, B.; Korolkow, V.; Wemheuer, F.; Nacke, H.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Daniel, R.: Driving forces of soil bacterial community structure, diversity, and function in temperate grasslands and forests. Scientific Reports 6, 33696 (2016)
Journal Article
Klaus, V. H.; Hölzel, N.; Prati, D.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Solly, E.; Hänsel, F.; Fischer, M.; Kleinebecker, T.: Plant diversity moderates drought stress in grasslands: Implications from a large real-world study on 13C natural abundances. Science of the Total Environment 555-567, pp. 215 - 222 (2016)
Journal Article
Nacke, H.; Goldmann, K.; Schöning, I.; Pfeiffer, B.; Kaiser, K.; Castillo-Villamizar, G. A.; Schrumpf, M.; Buscot, F.; Daniel, R.; Wubetz, T.: Fine spatial scale variation of soil microbial communities under European beech and Norway spruce. Frontiers in Microbiology 7, 2067 (2016)
Journal Article
Schwarz, M. T.; Bischoff, S.; Blaser, S.; Boch, S.; Grassein, F.; Klarner, B.; Schmitt, B.; Solly, E. F.; Ammer, C.; Michalzik, B. et al.; Schall, P.; Scheu, S.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Siemens, J.; Wilcke, W.: Drivers of nitrogen leaching from organic layers in Central European beech forests. Plant and Soil 403 (1), pp. 343 - 360 (2016)
Journal Article
Soliveres, S.; Manning, P.; Prati, D.; Gossner, M. M.; Alt, F.; Arndt, H.; Baumgartner, V.; Binkenstein, J.; Birkhofer, K.; Blaser, S. et al.; Blüthgen, N.; Boch, S.; Böhm, S.; Börschig, C.; Buscot, F.; Diekötter, T.; Heinze, J.; Hölzel, N.; Jung, K.; Klaus, V. H.; Klein, A.-M.; Kleinebecker, T.; Klemmer, S.; Krauss, J.; Lange, M.; Morris, E. K.; Müller, J.; Oelmann, Y.; Overmann, J.; Pašalić, E.; Renner, S. C.; Rillig, M. C.; Schaefer, H. M.; Schloter, M.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Sikorski, J.; Socher, S. A.; Solly, E.; Sonnemann, I.; Sorkau, E.; Steckel, J.; Steffan-Dewenter, I.; Stempfhuber, B.; Tschapka, M.; Türke, M.; Venter, P.; Weiner, C. N.; Weisser, W. W.; Werner, M.; Westphal, C.; Wilcke, W.; Wolters, V.; Wubet, T.; Wurst, S.; Fischer, M.; Allan, E.: Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 371 (1694), 20150269 (2016)
Journal Article
Allan, E.; Manning, P.; Alt, F.; Binkenstein, J.; Blaser, S.; Blüthgen, N.; Böhm, S.; Grassein, F.; Hölzel, N.; Klaus, V. H. et al.; Kleinebecker, T.; Morris, E. K.; Oelmann, Y.; Prati, D.; Renner, S. C.; Rillig, M. C.; Schaefer, M.; Schloter, M.; Schmitt, B.; Schöning, I.; Schrumpf, M.; Solly, E.; Sorkau, E.; Steckel, J.; Steffen-Dewenter, I.; Stempfhuber, B.; Tschapka, M.; Weiner, C. N.; Weisser, W. W.; Werner, M.; Westphal, C.; Wilcke, W.; Fischer, M.: Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition. Ecology Letters 18 (8), pp. 834 - 843 (2015)
Journal Article
Goldmann, K.; Schöning, I.; Buscot, F.; Wubet, T.: Forest management type influences diversity and community composition of soil fungi across temperate forest ecosystems. Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 1300 (2015)
Journal Article
Marcus, T.; Boch, S.; Durka, W.; Fischer, M.; Gossner, M. M.; Mueller, J.; Schöning, I.; Weisser, W. W.; Drees, C.; Assmann, T.: Living in heterogeneous woodlands - Are habitat continuity or quality drivers of genetic variability in a flightless ground beetle? PLoS One 10 (12), e0144217 (2015)
Journal Article
Soliveres, S.; Maestre, F. T.; Ulrich, W.; Manning, P.; Boch, S.; Bowker, M. A.; Prati, D.; Delgado-Baquerizo, M.; Quero, J. L.; Schöning, I. et al.; Gallardo, A.; Weisser, W.; Müller, J.; Socher, S. A.; Garcıa-Gomez, M.; Ochoa, V.; Schulze, E. D.; Fischer, M.; Allan, E.: Intransitive competition is widespread in plant communities and maintains their species richness. Ecology Letters 18 (8), pp. 790 - 798 (2015)

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