Publications of M. L. Pöhlker

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Fan, J.; Rosenfeld, D.; Zhang, Y.; Giangrande, S. E.; Li, Z.; Machado, L. A. T.; Martin, S. T.; Yang, Y.; Wang, J.; Artaxo, P. et al.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Braga, R. C.; Comstock, J. M.; Feng, Z.; Gao, W.; Gomes, H. B.; Mei, F.; Pöhlker, C.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Pöschl, U.; de Souza, R. A. F.: Substantial convection and precipitation enhancements by ultrafine aerosol particles. Science 359 (6374), pp. 411 - 418 (2018)
Journal Article
Saturno, J.; Ditas, F.; Penning de Vries, M.; Holanda, B. A.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Carbone, S.; Walter, D.; Bobrowski, N.; Brito, J.; Chi, X. et al.; Gutmann, A.; Hrabe de Angelis, I.; Machado , L. A. T.; Moran-Zuloaga, D.; Rüdiger, J.; Schneider, J.; Schulz, C.; Wang, Q.; Wendisch, M.; Artaxo, P.; Wagner, T.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O.; Pöhlker, C.: African volcanic emissions influencing atmospheric aerosols over the Amazon rain forest. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (14), pp. 10391 - 10405 (2018)
Journal Article
Saturno, J.; Pöhlker, C.; Massabo, D.; Brito, J.; Carbone, S.; Cheng, Y. F.; Chi, X.; Ditas, F.; de Angelis, I. H.; Moran-Zuloaga, D. et al.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Rizzo, L. V.; Walter, D.; Wang, Q.; Artaxo, P.; Prati, P.; Andreae, M. O.: Comparison of different aethalometer correction schemes and a reference multi-wavelength absorption technique for ambient aerosol data. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10 (8), pp. 2837 - 2850 (2017)
Journal Article
Rosenfeld, D.; Zheng, Y.; Hashimshoni, E.; Pöhlker, M. L.; Jefferson, A.; Pöhlker, C.; Yu, X.; Zhu, Y.; Liu, G.; Yue, Z. et al.; Fischman, B.; Li, Z.; Giguzin, D.; Goren, T.; Artaxo, P.; Barbosa, H. M. J.; Pöschl, U.; Andreae, M. O.: Satellite retrieval of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations by using clouds as CCN chambers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113 (21), pp. 5828 - 5834 (2016)
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