Nair, R.; Luo, Y.; El-Madany, T. S.; Rolo, V.; Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Caldararu, S.; Morris, K. A.; Schrumpf, M.; Carrara, A.; Moreno, al.; Reichstein, M.; Migliavacca, M.: Nitrogen availability and summer drought, but not N:P imbalance, drive carbon use efficiency of a Mediterranean tree-grass ecosystem. Global Change Biology 30 (9), e17486 (2024)
Yan, P.; Fernández-Martínez, M.; Meerbeek, K. V.; Yu, G.; Migliavacca, M.; He, N.: The essential role of biodiversity in the key axes of ecosystem function. Global Change Biology 29 (16), pp. 4569 - 4585 (2023)
Pacheco-Labrador, J.; de Bello, F.; Migliavacca, M.; Ma, X.; Carvalhais, N.; Wirth, C.: A generalizable normalization for assessing plant functional diversity metrics across scales from remote sensing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (8), pp. 2123 - 2136 (2023)
Zhang, W.; Jung, M.; Migliavacca, M.; Poyatos, R.; Miralles, D. G.; El-Madany, T. S.; Galvagno, M.; Carrara, A.; Arriga, N.; Ibrom, al.; Mammarella, I.; Papale, D.; Cleverly, J. R.; Liddell, M.; Wohlfahrt, G.; Markwitz, C.; Mauder, M.; Paul-Limoges, E.; Schmidt, M.; Wolf, S.; Brümmer, C.; Arain, M. A.; Fares, S.; Kato, T.; Ardö, J.; Oechel, W.; Hanson, C.; Korkiakoski, M.; Biraud, S.; Steinbrecher, R.; Billesbach, D.; Montagnani, L.; Woodgate, W.; Shao, C.; Carvalhais, N.; Reichstein, M.; Nelson, J. A.: The effect of relative humidity on eddy covariance latent heat flux measurements and its implication for partitioning into transpiration and evaporation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 330, 109305 (2023)
Nair, R.; Strube, M.; Hertel, M.; Kolle, O.; Rolo, V.; Migliavacca, M.: High frequency root dynamics: sampling and interpretation using replicated robotic minirhizotrons. Journal of Experimental Botany 74 (3), pp. 769 - 785 (2023)
Prikaziuk, E.; Migliavacca, M.; Su, Z.; van der Tol, C.: Simulation of ecosystem fluxes with the SCOPE model: Sensitivity to parametrization and evaluation with flux tower observations. Remote Sensing of Environment 284, 113324 (2023)
Naethe, P.; Julitta, T.; Chang, C. Y. Y.; Burkart, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Guanter, L.; Rascher, U.: A precise method unaffected by atmospheric reabsorption for ground-based retrieval of red and far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 325, 109152 (2022)
Rossini, M.; Celesti, M.; Bramati, G.; Migliavacca, M.; Cogliati, S.; Rascher, U.; Colombo, R.: Evaluation of the spatial representativeness of in situ SIF observations for the validation of medium-resolution satellite SIF products. Remote Sensing 14 (20), 5107 (2022)
Pacheco-Labrador, J.; Migliavacca, M.; Ma, X.; Mahecha, M. D.; Carvalhais, N.; Weber, U.; Benavides, R.; Bouriaud, O.; Barnoaie, I.; Coomesl, D. al.; Bohn, F. J.; Kraemer, G.; Heide, U.; Huth, A.; Wirth, C.: Challenging the link between functional and spectral diversity with radiative transfer modeling and data. Remote Sensing of Environment 280, 113170 (2022)
Morris, K. A.; Richter, A.; Migliavacca, M.; Schrumpf, M.: Growth of soil microbes is not limited by the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in a Mediterranean oak-savanna. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 169, 108680 (2022)
Extreme climate events endanger groundwater quality and stability, when rain water evades natural purification processes in the soil. This was demonstrated in long-term groundwater analyses using new analytical methods.
More frequent strong storms are destroying ever larger areas of the Amazon rainforest. Storm damage was mapped between 1985 and 2020. The total area of affected forests roughly quadrupled in the period studied.
The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina will hold a joint conference on the challenges of achieving carbon neutrality in Berlin on October 29-30, 2024.
The Chapter of the Order has elected the writer, philosopher and filmmaker Alexander Kluge and the mathematician Gerd Faltings as domestic members of the Order and the geologist Susan Trumbore and the literary scholar Stephen Greenblatt as foreign members.
On June 24, Prof. Dr. Henrik Hartmann, head of the Julius Kühn Institute for Forest Protection and former group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, received an important award for his scientific achievements in the field of forestry. Our warmest congratulations!