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Research highlights 2024

Research highlights 2024

December 20, 2024

The year 2024 saw Max Planck scientists publishing exceptional research across disciplines. We have selected twelve highlights to share more

On stage, three individuals in formal outfits stand with the central figure holding a red scroll, smiling, suggesting a ceremonial event.

Prof. Susan Trumbore was awarded an honorary doctorate by ETH Zurich on the occasion of the last ETH Zurich anniversary on November 16. more

5 of the world's most cited scientists again from MPI-BGC

In the annual ranking of the world's most cited and thus most influential scientists, five authors from our institute are once again represented in 2024. more

Three people stand side by side, center person holding a certificate. Behind them is a panoramic view of a city at sunset, with hills and a glowing sky.

David Hafezi Rachti was awarded twice: for his EGU poster with this year’s “Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation” (OSPP) and for his Bachelor thesis, he received the 1st prize of the “Young Climate Scientist Award 2024”. more

Logo featuring "Global Carbon Budget" with a stylized world map above and a detailed close-up of a dandelion seed head below.

The Global Carbon Project shows that fossil CO2 emissions will continue to rise in 2024. There is no sign of the rapid and substantial decline in emissions that would be needed to limit the impact of climate change more

A dense forest stretches across the horizon beneath thick, dark storm clouds. An impending storm leads to heavy rainfall in the distance.

Rainfall induces bursts of natural nanoparticles that can form clouds and further precipitation over the Amazon rainforest more

On the Path to Carbon Neutrality: Joint conference of the German Leopoldina and the Chinese CAS

The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina will hold a joint conference on the challenges of achieving carbon neutrality in Berlin on October 29-30, 2024. more

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