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Buchkapitel (15)

Martinez, A.; Mahecha, M. D.; Lischeid, G.; Beck, E.: Succession stages of vegetation regeneration: Secondary tropical mountain forests. In: Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador, Bd. 198, S. 409 - 416 (Hg. Beck, E.; Bendix, J.; Kottke, I.; Makeschin, F.; Mosandl, R.). Springer, Berlin [u.a.] (2008)
Mollicone, D.; Federici, S.; Achard, A.; Grassi, G.; Eva, H. D.; Nir, E.; Schulze, E.-D.; Stibig, H. J.: An accounting mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests in developing countries. In: Climate Change and Forests: Emerging policy and market opportunities, S. 191 - 205 (Hg. Streck, C.; O'sullivan, R.; Janson-Smith, T.; Tarasofksy, R.). Chatham House, London (2008)
Schrumpf, M.; Schumacher, J.; Schöning, I.; Schulze, E.-D.: Monitoring carbon stock changes in European soils: process understanding and sampling strategies. In: The continental-scale greenhouse gas balance of Europe, Bd. 203, S. 153 - 189 (Hg. Dolman, A. J.; Freibauer, A.; Valentini, R.). Springer, New York [u.a.] (2008)

Konferenzbeitrag (6)

Heimann, D.; Nieschulze, J.; König-Ries, B.: Die Verwendung von Ontologien für die semantische Integration von Daten und Werkzeugen. Proceedings of the 20th GI-Workshop on Foundations of Databases (Grundlagen von Datenbanken, GvD), International University in Germany, Buchsal Apolda, Germany., (2008)
Raessler, M.: Determination of non-structural carbohydrates (NSG), including inulin and starch, in plant samples by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. In: 35th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry. 35th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Gda´nsk, Poland. (2008)
Raessler, M.: Analysis of water-extractable non-structural carbohydrates (NSC), including inulin and starch, in different plant samples by HPAEC-PAD. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2008), December 2-5, 2008, Kyoto, Japan., (2008)
Raessler, M.; Lober, K.; Lenz, A.: Determination of titanium and zirconium in soil samples by atomic spectrometry after microwave-assisted high-pressure acid digestion. Proceedings of ESAS '08: European Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, September 29th - October 1st, 2008, Weimar, Germany., (2008)
Raessler, M.; Wissuwa, B.; Breul, A.; Unger, W.; Grimm, T.: A new, fast and reliable method for the determination of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) including inulin, in plant samples by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Chromatography, September 21 - 25, 2008, Münster, Germany., (2008)
Unger, W.; Raessler, M.: Determination of iron in a complex protein-bearing matrix by GF-AAS and ICP-OES - a comparison. Proceedings of ESAS '08: European Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry, September 29th - October 1st, 2008, Weimar, Germany., (2008)
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