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Zeitschriftenartikel (120)

Mahajan, A. S.; Whalley, L. K.; Kozlova, E.; Oetjen, H.; Mendez, L.; Furneaux, K. L.; Goddard, A.; Heard, D. E.; Plane, J. M. C.; Saiz-Lopez, A.: DOAS observations of formaldehyde and its impact on the HOx balance in the tropical Atlantic marine boundary layer. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 66, 167 (2011)
Alt, F.; Oelmann, Y.; Herold, N.; Schrumpf, M.; Wilcke, W.: Phosphorus partitioning in grassland and forest soils of Germany as related to land-use type, management intensity, and land use-related pH. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 174 (2), S. 195 - 209 (2011)
Arens, S.; Kleidon, A.: Eco-hydrological versus supply-limited weathering regimes and the potential for biotic enhancement of weathering at the global scale. Applied Geochemistry 26, S. S274 - S278 (2011)
Bai, Y.; Fang, X. M.; Gleixner, G.; Mügler, I.: Effect of precipitation regime on deltaD values of soil n-alkanes from elevation gradients - Implications for the study of paleo-elevation. Organic Geochemistry 42 (7), S. 838 - 845 (2011)
Batenburg, A. M.; Walter, S.; Pieterse, G.; Levin, I.; Schmidt, M.; Jordan, A.; Hammer, S.; Yver, C.; Rockmann, T.: Temporal and spatial variability of the stable isotopic composition of atmospheric molecular hydrogen: observations at six EUROHYDROS stations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (14), S. 6985 - 6999 (2011)
Biavati, G.; Donfrancesco, G. D.; Cairo, F.; Feist, D. G.: Correction scheme for close-range lidar returns. Applied Optics 50 (30), S. 5872 - 5882 (2011)
Bohn, K.; Dyke, J. G.; Pavlick, R.; Reineking, B.; Reu, B.; Kleidon, A.: The relative importance of seed competition, resource competition and perturbations on community structure. Biogeosciences 8 (5), S. 1107 - 1120 (2011)
Bonan, G. B.; Lawrence, P. J.; Oleson, K. W.; Levis, S.; Jung, M.; Reichstein, M.; Lawrence, D. M.; Swenson, S. C.: Improving canopy processes in the Community Land Model version 4 (CLM4) using global flux fields empirically inferred from FLUXNET data. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 116, S. G02014 (2011)
Braakhekke, M. C.; Beer, C.; Hoosbeek, M. R.; Reichstein, M.; Kruijt, B.; Schrumpf, M.; Kabat, P.: SOMPROF: A vertically explicit soil organic matter model. Ecological Modelling 222 (10), S. 1712 - 1730 (2011)
Bruelheide, H.; Böhnke, M.; Both, S.; Fang, T.; Assmann, T.; Baruffol, M.; Bauhus, J.; Buscot, F.; Chen, X. Y.; Ding, B. Y. et al.; Durka, W.; Erfmeier, A.; Fischer, M.; Geissler, C.; Guo, D. L.; Guo, L. D.; Hardtle, W.; He, J. S.; Hector, A.; Kröber, W.; Kuhn, P.; Lang, A. C.; Nadrowski, K.; Pei, K. Q.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Shi, X. Z.; Scholten, T.; Schuldt, A.; Trogisch, S.; Von Oheimb, G.; Welk, E.; Wirth, C.; Wu, Y. T.; Yang, X. F.; Zeng, X. Q.; Zhang, S. R.; Zhou, H. Z.; Ma, K. P.; Schmid, B.: Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81 (1), S. 25 - 41 (2011)
Brunsell, N. A.; Schymanski, S. J.; Kleidon, A.: Quantifying the thermodynamic entropy budget of the land surface: is this useful? Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 87 - 103 (2011)
Christ, S.; Wubet, T.; Theuerl, S.; Herold, N.; Buscot, F.: Fungal communities in bulk soil and stone compartments of different forest and soil types as revealed by a barcoding ITS rDNA and a functional laccase encoding gene marker. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (6), S. 1292 - 1299 (2011)
Cleveland, C. C.; Townsend, A. R.; Taylor, P.; Alvarez-Clare, S.; Bustamante, M. M. C.; Chuyong, G.; Dobrowski, S. Z.; Grierson, P.; Harms, K. E.; Houlton, B. Z. et al.; Marklein, A.; Parton, W.; Porder, S.; Reed, S. C.; Sierra, C. A.; Silver, W. L.; Tanner, E. V. J.; Wieder, W. R.: Relationships among net primary productivity, nutrients and climate in tropical rain forest: a pan-tropical analysis. Ecology Letters 14 (9), S. 939 - 947 (2011)
Corazza, M.; Bergamaschi, P.; Vermeulen, A. T.; Aalto, T.; Haszpra, L.; Meinhardt, F.; O'doherty, S.; Thompson, R.; Moncrieff, J.; Popa, E. et al.; Steinbacher, M.; Jordan, A.; Dlugokencky, E.; Brühl, C.; Krol, M.; Dentener, F.: Inverse modelling of European N2O emissions: assimilating observations from different networks. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (5), S. 2381 - 2398 (2011)
Dyke, J. G.; Gans, F.; Kleidon, A.: Towards understanding how surface life can affect interior geological processes: a non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach. Earth System Dynamics 2, S. 139 - 160 (2011)
Esser, G.; Kattge, J.; Sakalli, A.: Feedback of carbon and nitrogen cycles enhances carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere. Global Change Biology 17 (2), S. 819 - 842 (2011)
Fornara, D. A.; Bardgett, R.; Steinbeiss, S.; Zak, D. R.; Gleixner, G.; Tilman, D.: Plant effects on soil N mineralization are mediated by the composition of multiple soil organic fractions. Ecological Research 26 (1), S. 201 - 208 (2011)
Fornara, D. A.; Steinbeiss, S.; Mcnamara, N. P.; Gleixner, G.; Oakley, S.; Poulton, P. R.; Macdonald, A. J.; Bardgett, R. D.: Increases in soil organic carbon sequestration can reduce the global warming potential of long-term liming to permanent grassland. Global Change Biology 17 (5), S. 1925 - 1934 (2011)
Frankenberg, C.; Fisher, J. B.; Worden, J.; Badgley, G.; Saatchi, S. S.; Lee, J. E.; Toon, G. C.; Butz, A.; Jung, M.; Kuze, A. et al.; Yokota, T.: New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of plant fluorescence with gross primary productivity. Geophysical Research Letters 38, S. L17706 (2011)
Goebel, M. O.; Bachmann, J.; Reichstein, M.; Janssens, I. A.; Guggenberger, G.: Soil water repellency and its implications for organic matter decomposition - is there a link to extreme climatic events? Global Change Biology 17 (8), S. 2640 - 2656 (2011)
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