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Zeitschriftenartikel (106)
40 (10), S. 2588 - 2595 (2008)
Seasonal changes in the soil microbial community in a grassland plant diversity gradient four years after establishment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2.
363 (1501), S. 2331 - 2339 (2008)
The effect of climate anomalies and human ignition factor on wildfires in Russian boreal forests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 3.
72 (1), S. 301 - 304 (2008)
Global sensitivity of weathering rates to atmospheric CO2 under the assumption of saturated river discharge. Mineralogical Magazine 4.
53 (2), S. 642 - 650 (2008)
Tracking carbon flow in a 2-week-old and 6-week-old stream biofilm food web. Limnology and Oceanography 5.
1 (9), S. 569 - 570 (2008)
Soil science - The Arctic carbon count. Nature Geoscience 6.
14 (4), S. 676 - 685 (2008)
Selection of preadapted populations allowed Senecio inaequidens to invade Central Europe. Diversity and Distributions 7.
213 (1), S. 45 - 62 (2008)
Uncertainty analysis of climate change mitigation options in the forestry sector using a generic carbon budget model. Ecological Modelling 8.
11 (8), S. 669 - 686 (2008)
Accounting of forest carbon sinks and sources under a future climate protocol-factoring out past disturbance and management effects on age-class structure. Environmental Science and Policy 9.
22 (2), S. Gb2007 (2008)
Implications of the carbon cycle steady state assumption for biogeochemical modeling performance and inverse parameter retrieval. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10.
216 (2 Special Issue SI), S. 107 - 113 (2008)
Modeling the carbon cycle of urban systems. Ecological Modelling 11.
1 (7), S. 425 - 429 (2008)
Carbon accumulation in European forests. Nature Geoscience 12.
62 (6), S. 953 - 962 (2008)
Strategies of a parasite of the ant-Acacia mutualism. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 13.
10 (5), S. 573 - 587 (2008)
Adaptive survival mechanisms and growth limitations of small-stature herb species across a plant diversity gradient. Plant Biology 14.
148 (6-7), S. 821 - 838 (2008)
Cross-site evaluation of eddy covariance GPP and RE decomposition techniques. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 15.
91, S. 117 - 131 (2008)
Controls on fluxes and export of dissolved organic carbon in grasslands with contrasting soil types. Biogeochemistry 16.
40 (7), S. 1803 - 1812 (2008)
Organic carbon sequestration in earthworm burrows. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 17.
117 (12), S. 1808 - 1815 (2008)
How does plant richness affect pollinator richness and temporal stability of flower visits? Oikos 18.
171 (1), S. 27 - 35 (2008)
Soil-carbon preservation through habitat constraints and biological limitations on decomposer activity. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 19.
148 (1), S. 12 - 24 (2008)
Comparison of horizontal and vertical advective CO2 fluxes at three forest sites. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 20.
195, S. 275 - 286 (2008)
L'expérience de léna démontre les avantages de la diversité végétale pour les prairies. Fourrages