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Zeitschriftenartikel (77)
49 (6), S. 377 - 387 (2005)
Predicting the onset of net carbon uptake by deciduous forests with soil temperature and climate data: a synthesis of FLUXNET data. International Journal of Biometeorology 2.
138-139, S. 8 - 21 (2005)
Reconstruction of equilibrium-line altitudes for tropical and sub-tropical glaciers. Quaternary International 3.
5, S. 941 - 962 (2005)
Atmospheric methane and carbon dioxide from SCIAMACHY satellite data: initial comparison with chemistry and transport models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 4.
5 (12), S. 3313 - 3329 (2005)
Carbon monoxide, methane and carbon dioxide columns retrieved from SCIAMACHY by WFM-DOAS: year 2003 initial data set. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5.
311 (1-4), S. 299 - 317 (2005)
Regression-based downscaling of spatial variability for hydrologic applications. Journal of Hydrology 6.
11 (10), S. 1777 - 1787 (2005)
Spatial analysis of growing season length control over net ecosystem exchange. Global Change Biology 7.
437 (7058), S. 529 - 533 (2005)
Europe-wide reduction in primary productivity caused by the heat and drought in 2003. Nature 8.
11 (11), S. 1910 - 1925 (2005)
Carbon dioxide and methane exchange of a north-east Siberian tussock tundra. Global Change Biology 9.
37 (12), S. 2171 - 2179 (2005)
Amounts and degradability of dissolved organic carbon from foliar litter at different decomposition stages. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 10.
76 (1), S. 1 - 20 (2005)
Methane budget of a Black Forest spruce ecosystem considering soil pattern. Biogeochemistry 11.
19 (8), S. 1097 - 1119 (2005)
Calcite-CO2 mixed into CO2-free air: a new CO2-in-air stable isotope reference material for the VPDB scale. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 12.
5, S. 2989 - 3002 (2005)
Airborne measurements of trace gas and aerosol particle emissions from biomass burning in Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13.
M075-001-S1 (2005)
Data from the BIODEPTH project (15 ecosystem-process variables measured at eight different European grassland field sites over three years) together with metadata and a table with site information. Ecological Archives 14.
437 (7057), S. 331 (2005)
Charles David Keeling 1928-2005: Pioneer in the modern science of climate change. Nature 15.
11 (7), S. 1065 - 1093 (2005)
Pan-European δ 13C values of air and organic matter from forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology 16.
73, S. 29 - 70 (2005)
An analysis of soil respiration across northern hemisphere temperate ecosystems. Biogeochemistry 17.
107 (1), S. 241 - 242 (2005)
Dual Temperature Combustion (DTC): The simultaneous determination of organic and inorganic carbon in soils. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 18.
39 (32), S. 5959 - 5970 (2005)
Indirect nitrous oxide emission from a nitrogen saturated spruce forest and general accuracy of the IPCC methodology. Atmospheric Environment 19.
2 (1), S. 15 - 26 (2005)
The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems at country-scale – a European case study. Biogeosciences 20.
308 (5718), S. 67 - 71 (2005)
Global iron connections between desert dust, ocean biogeochemistry, and climate. Science