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Zeitschriftenartikel (79)
6 (2), S. 303 - 314 (2006)
Modeling atmospheric CO2 concentration profiles and fluxes above sloping terrain at a boreal site. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2.
237 (1-3), S. 322 - 334 (2006)
Areas of rapid forest-cover change in boreal Eurasia. Forest Ecology and Management 3.
190 (3-4), S. 260 - 276 (2006)
PIXGRO: A model for simulating the ecosystem CO2 exchange and growth of spring barley. Ecological Modelling 4.
11 (4), S. 311 - 328 (2006)
Spring in the boreal environment: observations on pre- and post-melt energy and CO2 fluxes in two central Siberian ecosystems. Boreal Environment Research 5.
3 (4), S. 421 - 437 (2006)
Water use strategies and ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of CO2 in two highly seasonal environments. Biogeosciences 6.
20 (1), S. GB1002 (2006)
TransCom 3 inversion intercomparison: Impact of transport model errors on the interannual variability of regional CO2 fluxes, 1988-2003. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 7.
6 (12), S. 4483 - 4498 (2006)
Comparisons between SCIAMACHY atmospheric CO2 retrieved using (FSI) WFM-DOAS to ground based FTIR data and the TM3 chemistry transport model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8.
67 (22), S. 2512 (2006)
Corrigendum to "Dynamic pathway allocation in early terpenoid biosynthesis of stress-induced lima bean leaves" [Phytochemistry 67 (2006) 1661-1672]. Phytochemistry 9.
67 (15), S. 1661 - 1672 (2006)
Dynamic pathway allocation in early terpenoid biosynthesis of stress-induced lima bean leaves. Phytochemistry 10.
132 (1), S. 109 - 118 (2006)
Effects of pollination distance on reproduction and offspring performance in Hypochoeris radicata: Experiments with plants from three European regions. Biological Conservation 11.
33 (15), S. L15403 (2006)
Small net carbon dioxide uptake by Russian forests during 1981-1999. Geophysical Research Letters 12.
12, S. 1111 - 1113 (2006)
Duale Temperatur-Verbrennung (DTV) im Einsatz: analytische Bestimmung des organischen Kohlenstoffs (OC) in Bodenproben. GIT Labor-Fachzeitschrift 13.
42 (4), S. 286 - 298 (2006)
Species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in two mountain meadows with differing management types and levels of plant biodiversity. Biology and Fertility of Soils 14.
6, S. 2727 - 2751 (2006)
Atmospheric carbon gases retrieved from SCIAMACHY by WFM-DOAS: version 0.5 CO and CH4 and impact of calibration improvements on CO2 retrieval. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15.
20 (2), S. GB2003 (2006)
Biogeochemical fluxes through mesozooplankton. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16.
53 (5-7), S. 741 - 770 (2006)
A comparison of global estimates of marine primary production from ocean color. Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies in Oceanography 17.
9 (7), S. 1041 - 1050 (2006)
Reconciling carbon-cycle concepts, terminology, and methods. Ecosystems 18.
33 (13), S. L13802 (2006)
On the assignment of prior errors in Bayesian inversions of CO2 surface fluxes. Geophysical Research Letters 19.
78 (7), S. 2439 - 2441 (2006)
New guidelines for δ13C measurements. Analytical Chemistry 20.
20 (21), S. 3165 - 3166 (2006)
After two decades a second anchor for the VPDB δ13C scale. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry