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Zeitschriftenartikel (101)

Schulze, E.-D.; Wirth, C.; Heimann, M.: Carbon fluxes of the Eurosiberian region. Environment Control in Biology 40 (3), S. 249 - 258 (2002)
Anthoni, P. M.; Unsworth, M. H.; Law, B. E.; Irvine, J.; Baldocchi, D. D.; Van Tuyl, S.; Moore, D.: Seasonal differences in carbon and water vapor exchange in young and old-growth ponderosa pine ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 111 (3), S. 203 - 222 (2002)
Arneth, A.; Kurbatova, J.; Kolle, O.; Shibistova, O. B.; Lloyd, J.; Vygodskaya, N. N.; Schulze, E.-D.: Comparative ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of energy and mass in a European Russian and a central Siberian bog II. Interseasonal and interannual variability of CO2 fluxes. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), S. 514 - 530 (2002)
Arneth, A.; Lloyd, J.; Santrucková, H.; Bird, M.; Grigoryev, S.; Kalaschnikov, Y. N.; Gleixner, G.; Schulze, E.-D.: Response of central Siberian Scots pine to soil water deficit and long-term trends in atmospheric CO2 concentration. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (1), S. 5-1 - 5-13 (2002)
Baker, T. R.; Affum-Baffoe, K.; Burslem, D. F. R. P.; Swaine, M. D.: Phenological differences in tree water use and the timing of tropical forest inventories: conclusions from patterns of dry season diameter change. Forest Ecology and Management 171 (3), S. 261 - 274 (2002)
Bäurle, G.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.: Klimawandel und biologische Vielfalt: Zwischenstaatlicher Ausschuss für Klimawandel (IPCC) verabschiedet Bericht. Umwelt 6, S. 423 - 426 (2002)
Bird, M. I.; Santrùcková, H.; Arneth, A.; Grigoriev, S.; Gleixner, G.; Kalaschnikov, Y. N.; Lloyd, J.; Schulze, E.-D.: Soil carbon inventories and carbon-13 on a latitude transect in Siberia. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), S. 631 - 641 (2002)
Bird, M.; Santrùcková, H.; Lloyd, J.; Lawson, E.: The isotopic composition of soil organic carbon on a north-south transect in western Canada. European Journal of Soil Science 53 (3), S. 393 - 403 (2002)
Bopp, L.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Le Quéré, C.; Aumont, O.: Dust impact on marine biota and atmospheric CO2 in glacial periods. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (15A), S. A91 - A91 (2002)
Bopp, L.; Le Quéré, C.; Heimann, M.; Manning, A. C.; Monfray, P.: Climate-induced oceanic oxygen fluxes: Implications for the contemporary carbon budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (2), S. 6-1 - 6-8 (2002)
Brooks, J. R.; Buchmann, N.; Phillips, S.; Ehleringer, B.; Evans, R. D.; Lott, M.; Martinelli, L. A.; Pockman, W. T.; Sandquist, D.; Sparks, J. P. et al.; Sperry, L.; Williams, D.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Heavy and light beer: A carbon isotope approach to detect C4 carbon in beers of different origins, styles, and prices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 50 (22), S. 6413 - 6418 (2002)
Buchmann, N.: Plant ecophysiology and forest response to global change. Tree Physiology 22 (15-16), S. 1177 - 1184 (2002)
Buchmann, N.: A.F.W. Schimper: from the 'oecology of plant distribution' to the 'functional ecology of terrestrial ecosystems'. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17 (3), S. 106 - 107 (2002)
Buchmann, N.; Brooks, J. R.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Predicting daytime carbon isotope ratios of atmospheric CO2 within forest canopies. Functional Ecology 16 (1), S. 49 - 57 (2002)
Chevillard, A.; Ciais, P.; Karstens, U.; Heimann, M.; Schmidt, M.; Levin, I.; Jacob, D.; Podzun, R.; Kazan, V.; Sartorius, H. et al.; Weingartner, E.: Transport of 222Rn using the regional model REMO: a detailed comparison with measurements over Europe. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), S. 850 - 871 (2002)
Chevillard, A.; Karstens, U.; Ciais, P.; Lafont, S.; Heimann, M.: Simulation of atmospheric CO2 over Europe and western Siberia using the regional scale model REMO. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 54 (5), S. 872 - 894 (2002)
Coe, M. T.; Harrison, S. P.: The water balance of northern Africa during the mid-Holocene: an evaluation of the 6 ka BP PMIP simulations. Climate Dynamics 19 (2), S. 155 - 166 (2002)
Czimczik, C. I.; Preston, C. M.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Werner, R. A.; Schulze, E.-D.: Effects of charring on mass, organic carbon, and stable carbon isotope composition of wood. Organic Geochemistry 33 (11), S. 1207 - 1223 (2002)
Dargaville, R. J.; Heimann, M.; Mcguire, A. D.; Prentice, I. C.; Kicklighter, D. W.; Joos, F.; Clein, J. S.; Esser, G.; Foley, J.; Kaplan, J. O. et al.; Meier, R. A.; Melillo, J. M.; Moore Iii, B.; Ramankutty, N.; Reichenau, T.; Schloss, A.; Sitch, S.; Tian, H.; Williams, L. J.; Wittenberg, U.: Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models with atmospheric CO2 measurements: Results from transient simulations considering increasing CO2, climate and land-use effects. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), S. 1092 (2002)
Del Grosso, S.; Ojima, D.; Parton, W.; Mosier, A.; Peterson, G.; Schimel, D.: Simulated effects of dryland cropping intensification on soil organic matter and greenhouse gas exchanges using the DAYCENT ecosystem model. Environmental Pollution 116, S. S75 - S83 (2002)
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