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Zeitschriftenartikel (166)
7 (12), e01619 (2016)
Effects of biodiversity strengthen over time as ecosystem functioning declines at low and increases at high biodiversity. Ecosphere 2.
8 (4), e29770 (2016)
A second horizon scan of biogeography: Golden Ages, Midas touches, and the Red Queen. Frontiers of biogeography 3.
97 (12), S. S51 - S56 (2016)
The role of anthropogenic warming in 2015 central european heat waves. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 4.
113 (48), S. 13570 - 13575 (2016)
Wind speed reductions by large-scale wind turbine deployments lower turbine efficiencies and set low generation limits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 5.
16 (22), S. 14421 - 14461 (2016)
Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX): Towards a holistic understanding of the feedbacks and interactions in the land–atmosphere–ocean–society continuum in the Northern Eurasian region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6.
97 (10), S. 1885 - 1908 (2016)
The ACRIDICON-CHUVA campaign: Studying tropical deep convective clouds and precipitation over Amazonia using the new German research aircraft HALO. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 7.
539 (7629), S. 416 - 417 (2016)
Amazon boundary layer aerosol concentration sustained by vertical transport during rainfall. Nature 8.
11 (11), e0152777 (2016)
High survival of Lasius niger during summer flooding in a European grassland. PLoS One 9.
380, S. 1 - 10 (2016)
Mechanical vulnerability and resistance to snapping and uprooting for Central Amazon tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 10.
8 (2), S. 605 - 649 (2016)
Global Carbon Budget 2016. Earth System Science Data 11.
97 (11), S. 3243 - 3243 (2016)
A plant growth form dataset for the New World. Ecology 12.
47 (9), S. 3335 - 3357 (2016)
Constraints on oceanic meridional heat transport from combined measurements of oxygen and carbon. Climate Dynamics 13.
542, S. 781 - 789 (2016)
Capturing heterogeneity: The role of a study area’s extent for estimating mean throughfall. Journal of Hydrology 14.
20, S. 1 - 35 (2016)
Bayesian optimization of the community land model simulated biosphere-atmosphere exchange using CO2 observations from a dense tower network and aircraft campaigns over Oregon. Earth Interactions 15.
09 (02), S. 55 - 88 (2016)
Ground-based station network in arctic and subarctic Eurasia: An overview. Geography, environment, sustainability 16.
4, 1239672 (2016)
The benefits of investing into improved carbon flux monitoring. Cogent economics & finance 17.
6 (2), S. 18 - 31 (2016)
How the Earth generates renewable energy: Physical limits and their implications for a sustainable energy future. European Energy Journal 18.
6 (20), S. 7352 - 7366 (2016)
Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits. Ecology and Evolution 19.
353 (6306), S. 1419 - 1424 (2016)
Radiocarbon constraints imply reduced carbon uptake by soils during the 21st century. Science 20.
205, S. 80 - 83 (2016)
Curios relationship revealed by looking at long term data sets—The geometry and allometric scaling of diel xylem sap flux in tropical trees. Journal of Plant Physiology