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Zeitschriftenartikel (88)

Baker, T. R.; Swaine, M. D.; Burslem, D. F. R. P.: Variation in tropical forest growth rates: combined effects of functional group composition and resource availability. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 6 (1-2), S. 21 - 36 (2003)
Bigelow, N. H.; Brubaker, L. B.; Edwards, M. E.; Harrison, S. P.; Prentice, I. C.; Anderson, P. M.; Andreev, A. A.; Bartlein, P. J.; Christensen, T. R.; Cramer, W. et al.; Kaplan, J. O.; Lozhkin, A. V.; Matveyeva, N. V.; Murray, D. F.; Mcguire, A. D.; Razzhivin, V. Y.; Ritchie, J. C.; Smith, B.; Walker, D. A.; Gajewski, K.; Wolf, V.; Holmqvist, B. H.; Igarashi, Y.; Kremenetskii, K.; Paus, A.; Pisaric, M. F. J.; Volkova, V. S.: Climate change and Arctic ecosystems: I. Vegetation changes north of 55 degrees N between the last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene, and present. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D19), S. 8170 (2003)
Bird, M.; Kracht, O.; Derrien, D.; Zhou, Y.: The effect of soil texture and roots on the stable carbon isotope composition of soil organic carbon. Australian Journal of Soil Research 41 (1), S. 77 - 94 (2003)
Bopp, L.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Le Quéré, C.; Aumont, O.: Dust impact on marine biota and atmospheric CO2 during glacial periods. Paleoceanography 18 (2), S. 1046 (2003)
Brooks, P. D.; Geilmann, H.; Werner, R. A.; Brand, W. A.: Improved precision of coupled δ13C and δ15N measurements from single samples using an elemental analyzer/isotope ratio mass spectrometer combination with a post-column sixport valve and selective CO2 trapping; improved halide robustness of the combustion reactor using CeO2. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 17 (16), S. 1924 - 1926 (2003)
Buitenhuis, E. T.; Timmermans, K. R.; De Baar, H. J. W.: Zinc-bicarbonate colimitation of Emiliania huxleyi. Limnology and Oceanography 48 (4), S. 1575 - 1582 (2003)
Churkina, G.; Tenhunen, J.; Thornton, P.; Falge, E. M.; Elbers, J. A.; Erhard, M.; Grünwald, T.; Kowalski, A. S.; Rannik, Ü.; Sprinz, D.: Analyzing the ecosystem carbon dynamics of four European coniferous forests using a biogeochemistry model. Ecosystems 6 (2), S. 168 - 184 (2003)
Claquin, T.; Roelandt, C.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Harrison, S. P.; Tegen, I.; Prentice, I. C.; Balkanski, Y.; Bergametti, G.; Hansson, M.; Mahowald, N. et al.; Rodhe, H.; Schulz, M.: Radiative forcing of climate by ice-age atmospheric dust. Climate Dynamics 20 (2-3), S. 193 - 202 (2003)
Cornelissen, J. H. C.; Lavorel, S.; Garnier, E.; Diaz, S.; Buchmann, N.; Gurvich, D. E.; Reich, P. B.; Ter Steege, H.; Morgan, H. D.; Van Der Heijden, M. G. A. et al.; Pausas, J. G.; Poorter, H.: A handbook of protocols for standardised and easy measurement of plant functional traits worldwide. Australian Journal of Botany 51 (4), S. 335 - 380 (2003)
Cuntz, M.; Ciais, P.; Hoffmann, G.; Allison, C. E.; Francey, R. J.; Knorr, W.; Tans, P. P.; White, J. W. C.; Levin, I.: A comprehensive global three-dimensional model of δ18O in atmospheric CO2: 2. Mapping the atmospheric signal. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D17), S. 4528 (2003)
Cuntz, M.; Ciais, P.; Hoffmann, G.; Knorr, W.: A comprehensive global three-dimensional model of δ18O in atmospheric CO2: 1. Validation of surface processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D17), S. 4527 (2003)
Czimczik, C. I.; Preston, C. M.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Schulze, E.-D.: How surface fire in Siberian Scots pine forests affects soil organic carbon in the forest floor: Stocks, molecular structure, and conversion to black carbon (charcoal). Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (1), 1020 (2003)
Dentener, F.; Van Weele, M.; Krol, M.; Houweling, S.; Van Velthoven, P.: Trends and inter-annual variability of methane emissions derived from 1979-1993 global CTM simulations. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3, S. 73 - 88 (2003)
Dertinger, U.; Schaz, U.; Schulze, E.-D.: Age-dependence of the antioxidative system in tobacco with enhanced glutathione reductase activity or senescence-induced production of cytokinins. Physiologia Plantarum 119 (1), S. 19 - 29 (2003)
Diffenbaugh, N. S.; Sloan, L. C.; Snyder, M. A.; Bell, J. L.; Kaplan, J. O.; Shafer, S. L.; Bartlein, P. J.: Vegetation sensitivity to global anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in a topographically complex region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17 (2), S. 1067 (2003)
Dolman, A. J.; Schulze, E.-D.; Valentini, R.: Analyzing carbon flux measurements. Science 301 (5635), S. 916 - 917 (2003)
Dörr, M.; Käßbohrer, J.; Grunert, R.; Kreisel, G.; Brand, W. A.; Werner, R. A.; Geilmann, H.; Apfel, C.; Robl, C.; Weigand, W.: A possible prebiotic formation of ammonia from dinitrogen on iron sulfide surfaces. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42 (13), S. 1540 - 1543 (2003)
Engelstädter, S.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Tegen, I.; Harrison, S. P.: Controls of dust emissions by vegetation and topographic depressions: An evaluation using dust storm frequency data. Geophysical Research Letters 30 (6), S. 1294 (2003)
Frechen, M.; Oches, E. A.; Kohfeld, K. E.: Loess in Europe - mass accumulation rates during the Last Glacial Period. Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (18-19), S. 1835 - 1857 (2003)
Freibauer, A.: Regionalised inventory of biogenic greenhouse gas emissions from European agriculture. European Journal of Agronomy 19 (2), S. 135 - 160 (2003)
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