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Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Asner, G. P.; Townsend, A. R.; Braswell, B. H.: Satellite observation of El Nino effects on Amazon forest phenology and productivity. Geophysical Research Letters 27 (7), S. 981 - 984 (2000)
Aubinet, M.; Grelle, A.; Ibrom, A.; Rannik, Ü.; Moncrieff, J.; Foken, T.; Kowalski, A. S.; Martin, P. H.; Berbigier, P.; Bernhofer, C. et al.; Clement, R.; Elbers, J.; Granier, A.; Grünwald, T.; Morgenstern, K.; Pilegaard, K.; Rebmann, C.; Snijders, W.; Valentini, R.; Vesala, T.: Estimates of the annual net carbon and water exchange of forests: The EUROFLUX methodology. Advances in Ecological Research 30, S. 113 - 175 (2000)
Bergamaschi, P.; Hein, R.; Heimann, M.; Crutzen, P. J.: Inverse modeling of the global CO cycle 1. Inversion of CO mixing ratios. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 105 (2), S. 1909 - 1927 (2000)
Berninger, F.; Sonninen, E.; Aalto, T.; Lloyd, J.: Modeling 13C discrimination in tree rings. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14 (1), S. 213 - 223 (2000)
Bird, M. I.; Veenendaal, E. M.; Moyo, C.; Lloyd, J.; Frost, P.: Effect of fire and soil texture on soil carbon in a sub-humid savanna (Matopos, Zimbabwe). Geoderma 94 (1), S. 71 - 90 (2000)
Bousquet, P.; Peylin, P.; Ciais, P.; Le Quéré, C.; Friedlingstein, P.; Tans, P. P.: Regional changes in carbon dioxide fluxes of land and oceans since 1980. Science 290 (5495), S. 1342 - 1346 (2000)
Buchmann, N.: Biotic and abiotic factors controlling soil respiration rates in Picea abies stands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 32 (11-12), S. 1625 - 1635 (2000)
De Noblet-Ducoudre, N.; Claussen, R.; Prentice, I. C.: Mid-Holocene greening of the Sahara: first results of the GAIM 6000 year BP experiment with two asynchronously coupled atmosphere/biome models. Climate Dynamics 16 (9), S. 643 - 659 (2000)
Edwards, M. E.; Anderson, P. M.; Brubaker, L. B.; Ager, T. A.; Andreev, A. A.; Bigelow, N. H.; Cwynar, L. C.; Eisner, W. R.; Harrison, S. P.; Hu, F.-S. et al.; Jolly, D.; Lozhkin, A. V.; Macdonald, G. M.; Mock, C. J.; Ritchie, J. C.; Sher, A. V.; Spear, R. W.; Williams, J. W.; Yu, G.: Pollen-based biomes for Beringia 18,000, 6000 and 0 14C yr BP. Journal of Biogeography 27 (3), S. 521 - 554 (2000)
Ehleringer, J. R.; Buchmann, N.; Flanagan, L. B.: Carbon isotope ratios in belowground carbon cycle processes. Ecological Applications 10 (2), S. 412 - 422 (2000)
Elenga, H.; Peyron, O.; Bonnefille, R.; Jolly, D.; Cheddadi, R.; Guiot, J.; Andrieu, V.; Bottema, S.; Buchet, G.; De Beaulieu, J.-L. et al.; Hamilton, A. C.; Maley, J.; Marchant, R.; Perez-Obiol, R.; Reille, M.; Riollet, G.; Scott, L.; Straka, H.; Taylor, D.; Van Campo, E.; Vincens, A.; Laarif, F.; Jonson, H.: Pollen-based biome reconstruction for southern Europe and Africa 18,000 yr BP. Journal of Biogeography 27 (3), S. 621 - 634 (2000)
Freibauer, A.: Internationale Konferenz: Biogene Emissionen von Treibhausgasen aus der Landwirtschaft - Mut zum Handeln gefordert. Landtechnik 55 (2), S. 190 - 191 (2000)
Gloor, M.; Fan, S.-M.; Pacala, S.; Sarmiento, J.: Optimal sampling of the atmosphere for purpose of inverse modeling: A model study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14 (1), S. 407 - 428 (2000)
Gloor, M.; Wüest, A.; Imboden, D. M.: Dynamics of mixed bottom boundary layers and its implications for diapycnal transport in a stratified, natural water basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 105 (4), 8646 (2000)
Harnisch, J.; Frische, M.; Borchers, R.; Eisenhauer, A.; Jordan, A.: Natural fluorinated organics in fluorite and rocks. Geophysical Research Letters 27 (13), S. 1883 - 1886 (2000)
Hobbie, E. A.; Macko, S. A.; Williams, M.: Correlations between foliar δ 15N and nitrogen concentrations may indicate plant-mycorrhizal interactions. Oecologia 122 (2), S. 273 - 283 (2000)
Hoelzmann, P.; Kruse, H.-J.; Rottinger, F.: Precipitation estimates for the eastern Saharan palaeomonsoon based on a water balance model of the West Nubian Palaeolake Basin. Global and Planetary Change 26 (1-3), S. 105 - 120 (2000)
Holland, E. A.; Neff, J. C.; Townsend, A. R.; Mckeown, B.: Uncertainties in the temperature sensitivity of decomposition in tropical and subtropical ecosystems: Implications for models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14 (4), S. 1137 - 1151 (2000)
Huston, M. A.; Aarssen, L. W.; Austin, M. P.; Cade, B. S.; Fridley, J. D.; Garnier, E.; Grime, J. P.; Hodgson, J.; Lauenroth, W. K.; Thompson, K. et al.; Vandermeer, J. H.; Wardle, D. A.; Hector, A.; Schmid, B.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Caldeira, M. C.; Diemer, M.; Dimitrakopoulos, P. G.; Finn, J. A.; Freitas, H.; Giller, P. S.; Good, J.; Harrs, R.; Högberg, P.; Huss-Danell, K.; Joshi, J.; Jumpponen, A.; Körner, C.; Leadley, P. W.; Loreau, M.; Minns, A.; Mulder, C. P. H.; O'donovan, G.; Otway, S. J.; Pereira, J. S.; Prinz, A.; Read, D. J.; Scherer-Lorenzen, M.; Schulze, E.-D.; Siamantziouras, A.-S. D.; Spehn, E. M.; Terry, A. C.; Troumbis, A. Y.; Woodward, F. I.; Yachi, S.; Lawton, J. H.: No consistent effect of plant diversity on productivity. Response. Science 289 (5483), S. 1255 a. (2000)
Jordan, A.; Harnisch, J.; Borchers, R.; Le Guern, F.; Shinohara, H.: Volcanogenic halocarbons. Environmental Science and Technology 34 (6), S. 1122 - 1124 (2000)
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