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Zeitschriftenartikel (81)

Schulze, B.; Wirth, C.; Linke, P.; Brand, W. A.; Kuhlmann, I.; Horna, V.; Schulze, E.-D.: Laser ablation-combustion-GC-IRMS - a new method for online analysis of intra-annual variation of δ 13C in tree rings. Tree Physiology 24 (11), S. 1193 - 1201 (2004)
Phillips, O. L.; Baker, T. R.; Arroyo, L.; Higuchi, N.; Killeen, T. J.; Laurance, W. F.; Lewis, S. L.; Lloyd, J.; Malhi, Y.; Monteagudo, A. et al.; Neill, D. A.; Vargas, P. N.; Silva, J. N. M.; Terborgh, J.; Martínez, R. V.; Alexiades, M.; Almeida, S.; Brown, S.; Chave, J.; Comiskey, J. A.; Czimczik, C. I.; Di Fiore, A.; Erwin, T.; Kuebler, C.; Laurance, S. G.; Nascimento, H. E. M.; Olivier, J.; Palacios, W.; Patiño, S.; Pitman, N. C. A.; Quesada, C. A.; Saldias, M.; Torres Lezama, A.; Vinceti, B.: Pattern and process in Amazon tree turnover, 1976-2001. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 359 (1443), S. 381 - 407 (2004)
Anthoni, P. M.; Freibauer, A.; Kolle, O.; Schulze, E.-D.: Winter wheat carbon exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 121 (1-2), S. 55 - 67 (2004)
Anthoni, P. M.; Knohl, A.; Rebmann, C.; Freibauer, A.; Mund, M.; Ziegler, W.; Kolle, O.; Schulze, E.-D.: Forest and agricultural land-use-dependent CO2 exchange in Thuringia, Germany. Global Change Biology 10 (12), S. 2005 - 2019 (2004)
Arndt, S. K.; Kahmen, A.; Arampatsis, C.; Popp, M.; Adams, M.: Nitrogen fixation and metabolism by groundwater-dependent perennial plants in a hyperarid desert. Oecologia 141 (3), S. 385 - 394 (2004)
Baker, T. R.; Phillips, O. L.; Malhi, Y.; Almeida, S.; Arroyo, L.; Di Fiore, A.; Erwin, T.; Higuchi, N.; Killeen, T. J.; Laurance, S. G. et al.; Laurance, W. F.; Lewis, S. L.; Monteagudo, A.; Neill, D. A.; Vargas, P. N.; Pitman, N. C. A.; Silva, J. N. M.; Martínez, R. V.: Increasing biomass in Amazonian forest plots. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 359 (1443), S. 353 - 365 (2004)
Baker, T. R.; Phillips, O. L.; Malhi, Y.; Almeida, S.; Arroyo, L.; Di Fiore, A.; Erwin, T.; Killeen, T. J.; Laurance, S. G.; Laurance, W. F. et al.; Lewis, S. L.; Lloyd, J.; Monteagudo, A.; Neill, D. A.; Patiño, S.; Pitman, N. C. A.; Silva, J. N. M.; Martínez, R. V.: Variation in wood density determines spatial patterns in Amazonian forest biomass. Global Change Biology 10 (5), S. 545 - 562 (2004)
Barboni, D.; Harrison, S. P.; Bartlein, P. J.; Jalut, G.; New, M.; Prentice, I. C.; Sanchez-Goñi, M. F.; Spessa, A.; Davis, B.; Stevenson, A. C.: Relationships between plant traits and climate in the Mediterranean region: A pollen data analysis. Journal of Vegetation Science 15 (5), S. 635 - 646 (2004)
Bird, M. I.; Veenendaal, E. M.; Lloyd, J.: Soil carbon inventories and δ13C along a moisture gradient in Botswana. Global Change Biology 10 (3), S. 342 - 349 (2004)
Bisutti, I.; Hilke, I.; Raessler, M.: Determination of total organic carbon - an overview of current methods. TRAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry 23 (10-11), S. 716 - 726 (2004)
Bol, R.; Ostle, N. J.; Chenu, C. C.; Petzke, K.-J.; Werner, R. A.; Balesdent, J.: Long term changes in the distribution and δ 15N values of individual soil amino acids in the absence of plant and fertiliser inputs. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 40 (4), S. 243 - 256 (2004)
Canadell, J.; Ciais, P.; Cox, P.; Heimann, M.: Quantifying terrestrial carbon sinks - Preface. Climatic Change 67 (2-3), S. 145 - 146 (2004)
Canadell, J. G.; Ciais, P.; Cox, P.; Heimann, M.: Quantifying, understanding and managing the carbon cycle in the next decades. Climatic Change 67 (2-3), S. 147 - 160 (2004)
Cardinale, M.; Doering-Arjes, P.; Kastowsky, M.; Mosegaard, H.: Effects of sex, stock, and environment on the shape of known-age Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (2), S. 158 - 167 (2004)
Czimczik, C. I.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Schulze, E.-D.: Effects of increasing fire frequency on black carbon and organic matter in Podzols of Siberian Scots pine forests. European Journal of Soil Science 56 (3), S. 417 - 428 (2004)
Dawson, D.; Grice, K.; Wang, S. X.; Alexander, R.; Radke, J.: Stable hydrogen isotopic composition of hydrocarbons in torbanites (Late Carboniferous to Late Permian) deposited under various climatic conditions. Organic Geochemistry 35 (2), S. 189 - 197 (2004)
Ensminger, I.; Sveshnikov, D.; Campbell, D. A.; Funk, C.; Jansson, S.; Lloyd, J.; Shibistova, O.; Öquist, G.: Intermittent low temperatures constrain spring recovery of photosynthesis in boreal Scots pine forests. Global Change Biology 10 (6), S. 995 - 1008 (2004)
Fletcher, S. E. M.; Tans, P. P.; Bruhwiler, L. M.; Miller, J. B.; Heimann, M.: CH4 sources estimated from atmospheric observations of CH4 and its 13C/12C isotopic ratios: 1. Inverse modeling of source processes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (4), GB4004 (2004)
Fletcher, S. E. M.; Tans, P. P.; Bruhwiler, L. M.; Miller, J. B.; Heimann, M.: CH4 sources estimated from atmospheric observations of CH4 and its 13C/12C isotopic ratios: 2. Inverse modeling of CH4 fluxes from geographical regions. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (4), S. GB4005 (2004)
Freibauer, A.; Rounsevell, M. D. A.; Smith, P.; Verhagen, J.: Carbon sequestration in the agricultural soils of Europe. Geoderma 122 (1), S. 1 - 23 (2004)
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