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Zeitschriftenartikel (182)
46 (24), S. 14496 - 14507 (2019)
Physics‐constrained machine learning of evapotranspiration. Geophysical Research Letters 2.
21, e00872 (2019)
Allelopathic effects of Cinnamomum septentrionale leaf litter on Eucalyptus grandis saplings. Global Ecology and Conservation 3.
12 (12), S. 6695 - 6719 (2019)
Detectability of CO2 emission plumes of cities and power plants with the Copernicus Anthropogenic CO2 Monitoring (CO2M) mission. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 4.
9, 18784 (2019)
Performance of tropical forest seedlings under shade and drought: an interspecific trade-off in demographic responses. Scientific Reports 5.
9, 18757 (2019)
Constraining modelled global vegetation dynamics and carbon turnover using multiple satellite observations. Scientific Reports 6.
16 (23), S. 4601 - 4612 (2019)
Effects of sterilization techniques on chemodenitrification and NO2 production in tropical peat soil microcosms. Biogeosciences 7.
129 (4), S. 466 - 479 (2019)
Nematode communities, plant nutrient economy and life-cycle characteristics jointly determine plant monoculture performance over 12 years. Oikos 8.
11 (4), S. 1783 - 1838 (2019)
Global carbon budget 2019. Earth System Science Data 9.
10 (12), 1106 (2019)
Springtime bark-splitting of Acer pseudoplatanus in Germany. Forests 10.
225 (1), S. 26 - 36 (2019)
Tree defence and bark beetles in a drying world: carbon partitioning, functioning and modelling. New Phytologist 11.
234, 111362 (2019)
Multiple-constraint inversion of SCOPE. Evaluating the potential of GPP and SIF for the retrieval of plant functional traits. Remote Sensing of Environment 12.
12 (12), S. 6771 - 68802 (2019)
A scientific algorithm to simultaneously retrieve carbon monoxide and methane from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 13.
5 (2), S. 383 - 398 (2019)
Identifying and quantifying geogenic organic carbon in soils – the case of graphite. Soil 14.
12 (11), S. 4751 - 4779 (2019)
Accounting for carbon and nitrogen interactions in the global terrestrial ecosystem model ORCHIDEE (trunk version, rev 4999): multi-scale evaluation of gross primary production. Geoscientific Model Development 15.
7, 296 (2019)
Fueling diversity in the subsurface: Composition and age of dissolved organic matter in the critical zone. Frontiers in Earth Science 16.
534, 109280 (2019)
Revisiting the great Ordovician diversification of land plants: Recent data and perspectives. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 17.
116 (46), S. 22972 - 22976 (2019)
Human and climate global-scale imprint on sediment transfer during the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 18.
33 (11), S. 1370 - 1388 (2019)
Reassessing southern ocean air‐sea CO2 flux estimates with the addition of biogeochemical float observations. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19.
28 (12), S. 1806 - 1826 (2019)
Robustness of trait connections across environmental gradients and growth forms. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20.
233, 111368 (2019)
Inferring plant functional diversity from space: the potential of Sentinel-2. Remote Sensing of Environment