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Zeitschriftenartikel (149)

Churkina, G.; Zaehle, S.; Hughes, J.; Viovy, N.; Chen, Y.; Jung, M.; Heumann, B. W.; Ramankutty, N.; Heimann, M.; Jones, C.: Interactions between nitrogen deposition, land cover conversion, and climate change determine the contemporary carbon balance of Europe. Biogeosciences 7 (9), S. 2749 - 2764 (2010)
Ciais, P.; Canadell, J. G.; Luyssaert, S.; Chevallier, F.; Shvidenko, A.; Poussi, Z.; Jonas, M.; Peylin, P.; King, A. W.; Schulze, E. D. et al.; Piao, S. L.; Rödenbeck, C.; Peters, W.; Breon, F. M.: Can we reconcile atmospheric estimates of the Northern terrestrial carbon sink with land-based accounting? Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2 (4), S. 225 - 230 (2010)
Ciais, P.; Paris, J. D.; Marland, G.; Peylin, P.; Piao, S.; Levin, I.; Pregger, T.; Scholz, Y.; Friedrich, R.; Rivier, L. et al.; Houwelling, S.; Schulze, E.-D.; Team, C. S.: The European carbon balance. Part 1: fossil fuel emissions. Global Change Biology 16 (5), S. 1395 - 1408 (2010)
Ciais, P.; Wattenbach, M.; Vuichard, N.; Smith, P.; Piao, S.L.; Don, A.; Luyssaert, S.; Janssens, I.; Bondeau, A.; Dechow, R. et al.; Leip, A.; Smith, P.; Beer, C.; Van Der Werf, G.R.; Gervois, S.; Van Oost, K.; Tomelleri, E.; Freibauer, A.; Schulze, E.-D.; Team, C. S.: The European carbon balance. Part 2: croplands. Global Change Biology 16 (5), S. 1409 - 1428 (2010)
Daut, G.; Mäusbacher, R.; Baade, J.; Gleixner, G.; Kroemer, E.; Mügler, I.; Wallner, J.; Wang, J.; Zhu, L.: Late Quaternary hydrological changes inferred from lake level fluctuations of Nam Co (Tibetan Plateau, China). Quaternary International 218 (1-2), S. 86 - 93 (2010)
De Villiers, M. S.; Mecenero, S.; Sherley, R. B.; Heinze, E.; Kieser, J.; Leshoro, T. M.; Merbold, L.; Nordt, A.; Parsons, N. J.; Peter, H. U.: Introduced European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and domestic cats (Felis catus) on Robben Island: Population trends and management recommendations. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2), S. 139 - 148 (2010)
Drewry, D. T.; Kumar, P.; Long, S.; Bernacchi, C.; Liang, X. Z.; Sivapalan, M.: Ecohydrological responses of dense canopies to environmental variability: 1. Interplay between vertical structure and photosynthetic pathway. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115, S. G04022 (2010)
Drewry, D. T.; Kumar, P.; Long, S.; Bernacchi, C.; Liang, X. Z.; Sivapalan, M.: Ecohydrological responses of dense canopies to environmental variability: 2. Role of acclimation under elevated CO2. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115, G04023 (2010)
Dyke, J.; Kleidon, A.: The Maximum Entropy Production Principle: Its Theoretical Foundations and Applications to the Earth System. Entropy 12 (3), S. 613 - 630 (2010)
Eglin, T.; Ciais, P.; Piao, S. L.; Barre, P.; Bellassen, V.; Cadule, P.; Chenu, C.; Gasser, T.; Koven, C.; Reichstein, M. et al.; Smith, P.: Historical and future perspectives of global soil carbon response to climate and land-use changes. Tellus, Series B - Chemical and Physical Meteorology 62 (5), S. 700 - 718 (2010)
Eisenhauer, N.; Bessler, H.; Engels, C.; Gleixner, G.; Habekost, M.; Milcu, A.; Partsch, S.; Sabais, A. C. W.; Scherber, C.; Steinbeiss, S. et al.; Weigelt, A.; Weisser, W. W.; Scheu, S.: Plant diversity effects on soil microorganisms support the singular hypothesis. Ecology 91 (2), S. 485 - 496 (2010)
Eugster, W.; Moffat, A. M.; Ceschia, E.; Aubinet, M.; Ammann, C.; Osborne, B.; Davis, P. A.; Smith, P.; Jacobs, C.; Moors, E. et al.; Le Dantec, V.; Béziat, P.; Saunders, M.; Jans, W.; Grünwald, T.; Rebmann, C.; Kutsch, W. L.; Czerný, R.; Janouš, D.; Moureaux, C.; Dufranne, D.; Carrara, A.; Magliulo, V.; Di Tommasi, P.; Olesen, J. E.; Schelde, K.; Olioso, A.; Bernhofer, C.; Cellier, P.; Larmanou, E.; Loubet, B.; Wattenbach, M.; Marloie, O.; Sanz, M.-J.; Søgaard, H.; Buchmann, N.: Management effects on European cropland respiration. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139 (3), S. 346 - 362 (2010)
Geibel, M. C.; Gerbig, C.; Feist, D. G.: A new fully automated FTIR system for total column measurements of greenhouse gases. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 3 (5), S. 1363 - 1375 (2010)
Gilmanov, T. G.; Aires, L.; Barcza, Z.; Baron, V. S.; Belelli, L.; Beringer, J.; Billesbach, D.; Bonal, D.; Bradford, J.; Ceschia, E. et al.; Cook, D.; Corradi, C.; Frank, A.; Gianelle, D.; Gimeno, C.; Gruenwald, T.; Guo, H. Q.; Hanan, N.; Haszpra, L.; Heilman, J.; Jacobs, A.; Jones, M. B.; Johnson, D. A.; Kiely, G.; Li, S. G.; Magliulo, V.; Moors, E.; Nagy, Z.; Nasyrov, M.; Owensby, C.; Pinter, K.; Pio, C.; Reichstein, M.; Sanz, M. J.; Scott, R.; Soussana, J. F.; Stoy, P. C.; Svejcar, T.; Tuba, Z.; Zhou, G. S.: Productivity, Respiration, and Light-Response Parameters of World Grassland and Agroecosystems Derived From Flux-Tower Measurements. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63 (1), S. 16 - 39 (2010)
Griffin, B. J.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Cooper, A. B.; Boenisch, G.: Importance of location for describing typical and extreme wind speed behavior. Geophysical Research Letters 37 (22), S. L22804 (2010)
Harrison, S. P.; Prentice, I. C.; Barboni, D.; Kohfeld, K. E.; Ni, J.; Sutra, J. P.: Ecophysiological and bioclimatic foundations for a global plant functional classification. Journal of Vegetation Science 21 (2), S. 300 - 317 (2010)
Hartmann, H.; Daoust, G.; Bigue, B.; Messier, C.: Negative or positive effects of plantation and intensive forestry on biodiversity: A matter of scale and perspective. Forestry Chronicle 86 (3), S. 354 - 364 (2010)
Haverd, V.; Cuntz, M.: Soil-Litter-Iso: A one-dimensional model for coupled transport of heat, water and stable isotopes in soil with a litter layer and root extraction. Journal of Hydrology 388 (3-4), S. 438 - 455 (2010)
Heimann, D.; Nieschulze, J.; König-Ries, B.: A flexible statistics web processing service - Added value for information systems for experiment data. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 7 (1), S. 140 (2010)
Heimann, M.: How Stable Is the Methane Cycle? Science 327 (5970), S. 1211 - 1212 (2010)
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