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Zeitschriftenartikel (184)
166, S. 138 - 153 (2015)
Assessment of the mapping of fractional woody cover in southern African savannas using multi-temporal and polarimetric ALOS PALSAR L-band images. Remote Sensing of Environment 22.
207 (4), S. 1026 - 1037 (2015)
Global convergence in leaf respiration from estimates of thermal acclimation across time and space. New Phytologist 23.
396 (1-2), S. 369 - 380 (2015)
Plant carbon limitation does not reduce nitrogen transfer from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to Plantago lanceolata. Plant and Soil 24.
29 (8), S. 1123 - 1123 (2015)
Criteria for rejection of papers without review. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25.
120, S. 1 - 18 (2015)
Multicriteria evaluation of discharge simulation in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 26.
88, S. 390 - 402 (2015)
Contribution of sorption, DOC transport and microbial interactions to the 14C age of a soil organic carbon profile: Insights from a calibrated process model. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 27.
207 (3), S. 542 - 550 (2015)
Pinus sylvestris switches respiration substrates under shading but not during drought. New Phytologist 28.
52 (5), S. 1188 - 1196 (2015)
Simple measures of climate, soil properties and plant traits predict national-scale grassland soil carbon stocks. Journal of Applied Ecology 29.
60 (7-8), S. 1225 - 1241 (2015)
Detecting immediate wildfire impact on runoff in a poorly-gauged mountainous permafrost basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal 30.
2 (2), 1012 (2015)
Biogeochemistry: Historical and future perspectives. Austin Journal of Earth Science 31.
112 (19), S. 5915 - 5920 (2015)
Reappraisal of hydrocarbon biomarkers in Archean rocks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 32.
140 (13), S. 4473 - 4481 (2015)
Online investigation of respiratory quotients in Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies during drought and shading by means of cavity-enhanced Raman multi-gas spectrometry. Analyst 33.
21, S. 2861 - 2880 (2015)
Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: concepts, processes and potential future impacts. Global Change Biology 34.
29 (4), S. 476 - 495 (2015)
Predicting long-term carbon sequestration in response to CO2 enrichment: How and why do current ecosystem models differ? Global Biogeochemical Cycles 35.
120 (4), S. 641 - 660 (2015)
Climate change impacts on the vegetation carbon cycle of the Iberian Peninsula—Intercomparison of CMIP5 results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 36.
6, 268 (2015)
Rhizosphere bacterial carbon turnover is higher in nucleic acids than membrane lipids: implications for understanding soil carbon cycling. Frontiers in Microbiology 37.
206 (2), S. 614 - 636 (2015)
Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits. New Phytologist 38.
38 (3), S. 433 - 447 (2015)
Phloem flow and sugar transport in Ricinus communis L. is inhibited under anoxic conditions of shoot or roots. Plant, Cell and Environment 39.
391, S. 219 - 235 (2015)
Competition with winter crops induces deeper rooting of walnut trees in a Mediterranean alley cropping agroforestry system. Plant and Soil 40.
7 (1), S. 335 - 356 (2015)
Sensitivity of decomposition rates of soil organic matter with respect to simultaneous changes in temperature and moisture. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems