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Zeitschriftenartikel (81)

Wright, I. J.; Groom, P. K.; Lamont, B. B.; Poot, P.; Prior, L. D.; Reich, P. B.; Schulze, E.-D.; Veneklaas, E. J.; Westoby, M.: Leaf trait relationships in Australian plant species. Functional Plant Biology 31 (5), S. 551 - 558 (2004)

Buch (4)

WBGU; Graßl, H.; Schubert, R.; Epiney, A.; Kulessa, M. E.; Luther, J.; Nuscheler, F.; Sauerborn, R.; Schellnhuber, H. J.; Schulze, E. D.: Welt im Wandel: Armutsbekämpfung durch Umweltpolitik: Zusammenfassung für Entscheidungsträger. Springer, Berlin (2004), 260 S.
Smith, P.; Ambus, P.; Amezquita, M. C.; Andren, O.; Arrouays, D.; Ball, B.; Boeckx, P.; Brüning, C.; Buchmann, N.; Buendia, L. et al.; Cellier, P.; Cernussa, A.; Clifton-Brown, J.; Dämmgen, U.; Ewert, F.; Favoino, E.; Fiorelli, J. L.; Flechard, C.; Freibauer, A.; Hacala, S.; Harrison, R.; Hiederer, R.; Janssens, I.; Jayet, P. A.; Jouany, J. P.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Karlsson, T.; Kuikman, P.; Lagreid, M.; Leffelaar, P. A.; Leip, A.; Loiseau, P.; Milford, C.; Neftel, A.; Oenema, O.; Ogle, S.; Olesen, J. E.; Perälä, P.; Pesmajoglou, S.; Peterson, S. O.; Pilegaard, K.; Raschi, A.; Regina, K.; Rounsevell, M.; Saletes, S.; Schils, R. L. M.; Seguin, B.; Sezzi, E.; Soussana, J. F.; Stefanie, P.; Stengel, P.; Van Amstel, A.; Van Cleemput, O.; Van Putten, B.; Van Wesemael, B.; Verhagen, A.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Weigel, H. J.; Weiske, A.; Willers, H. C.: Greenhouse gas emissions from European croplans. University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (2004)
Soussana, J. F.; Saletes, S.; Smith, P.; Ambus, P.; Amezquita, M. C.; Andren, O.; Arrouays, D.; Ball, B.; Boeckx, P.; Brüning, C. et al.; Buchmann, N.; Buendia, L.; Cellier, P.; Cernusca, A.; Clifton-Brown, J.; Dämmgen, U.; Ewert, F.; Fiorelli, J. L.; Flechard, C.; Freibauer, A.; Fuhrer, J.; Harrison, R.; Hensen, A.; Hiederer, R.; Janssens, I.; Jayet, P. A.; Jones, M.; Jouany, J. P.; Jungkunst, H. F.; Kuikman, P.; Lagreid, M.; Leffelaar, P. A.; Leip, A.; Loiseau, P.; Martin, C.; Milford, C.; Neftel, A.; Oenema, O.; Ogle, S.; Olesen, J. E.; Pesmajoglou, S.; Peterson, S. O.; Pilegaard, K.; Raschi, A.; Rees, B.; Schils, R. L. M.; Sezzi, E.; Stefanie, P.; Sutton, M.; Van Amstel, A.; Van Cleemput, O.; Van Putten, B.; Van Wesemael, B.; Verhagen, A.; Viovy, N.; Vuichard, N.; Weigel, H. J.; Weiske, A.; Willers, H. C.; Tuba, Z.: Greenhouse gas emissions from European grasslands. University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy (2004)
Wirth, C.; Schulze, E.-D.; Schwalbe, G.; Tomczyic, I.; Weber, G.; Weller, E.: Dynamik der Kohlenstoffvorräte in den Wäldern Thüringens: Abschlussbericht zur 1. Phase des BMBF-Projektes "Modelluntersuchung zur Umsetzung des Kyoto-Protokolls". Any Publisher, Gotha (2004)

Buchkapitel (21)

Braconnot, P.; Harrison, S. P.; Joussaume, S.; Hewitt, C. D.; Kitoh, A.; Kutzbach, J.; Liu, Z.; Otto-Bleisner, B.; Syktus, J.; Weber, S. L.: Evaluation of PMIP coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations of the mid-Holocene. In: Past climate variability through Europe and Africa, S. 515 - 550 (Hg. Battarbee, R. W.; Gasse, F.; Stickley, C. E.). Kluwer (2004)
Brand, W. A.: Mass spectrometer hardware for analyzing stable isotope ratios. In: Handbook of stable isotope analytical techniques, Bd. 1, S. 835 - 856 (Hg. De Groot, P.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2004)
Buchmann, N.; Bonal, D.; Barigah, T. S.; Guehl, J. M.; Ehleringer, J. R.: Insights into the carbon dynamics of tropical primary rainforests using stable carbon isotope analyses. In: Ecology and management of a neotropical rainforest: lessons drawn from Paracou, a long-term exeperimental research site in French Guiana, S. 95 - 113 (Hg. Gourlet-Fleury, S.; Guehl, J. M.; Laroussinie, O.). Elsevier, Paris (2004)
Byrne, K. A.; Chojnicki, B.; Christensen, T. R.; Drösler, M.; Freibauer, A.; Friborg, T.; Frolking, S.; Lindroth, A.; Mailhammer, J.; Malmer, N. et al.; Selin, P.; Turunen, J.; Valentini, R.; Zetterberg, L.: EU peatlands: Current carbon stocks and trace gas fluxes. In: CarboEurope-GHG Concerted Action - Synthesis of the European Greenhouse Gas Budget, Report 4/2004, Specific Study, Tipo-Lito Recchioni, Viterbo, October 2004 (2004)
Gruber, N.; Friedlingstein, P.; Field, C.; Valentini, R.; Heimann, M.; Richey, J.; Lankao, P. R.; Schulze, E. D.; Chen, C. T. A.: The vulnerability of the carbon cycle in the 21st century: an assessment of carbon-climate-human interactions. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 45 - 76 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Heimann, M.; Rödenbeck, C.; Gloor, M.: Spatial and temporal distribution of sources and sinks of carbon dioxide. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 187 - 204 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Joos, F.; Prentice, I. C.: A Paleo-perspective on changes in atmospheric CO2 and climate. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 165 - 186 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Kahmen, A.; Arampatsis, C.; Arndt, S. K.: Nutrient supply and nitrogen metabolism of perennial plant species in the Taklimakan Desert. In: Ecophysiology and habitat requirements of perennial plant species in the Taklimakan Desert, S. 135 - 146 (Hg. Runge, M.; Zhang, X.). Shaker, Aachen (2004)
Le Quéré, C.: Dynamische Modellierung der marinen Biogeochemie. In: Jahrbuch 2004 der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, S. 81 - 86 (Hg. Generalverwaltung, M.-P.-G.). Any Publisher, München (2004)
Le Quéré, C.; Metzl, N.: Natural processes regulating the ocean uptake of CO2. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 243 - 255 (2004)
Levin, I.; Facklam, C.; Schmidt, M. W. I.; Ramonet, M.; Ciais, P.; Xueref, I.; Langenfelds, R. L.; Allison, C.; Francey, R.; Jordan, A. et al.; Rothe, M.; Brand, W. A.; Neubert, R. E. M.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Machida, T.; Mukai, H.: Results of inter-comparison programme for analysis of "sausage" flask air samples. In: Special report, Bd. 2 (Hg. Commission, E.). TACOS (Terrestrial and atmospheric carbon observing system infrastructure) (2004)
Lindenmair, J.; Matzner, E.; Zimmermann, R.: The role of woody roots in water uptake of Mature Spruce, Beech, and Oak Trees. In: Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment: an German Case Study, Bd. 172, S. 279 - 289 (Hg. Matzner, E.). Springer, Berlin (2004)
Nuttle, T.; Hobbs, R. J.; Temperton, V. M.; Halle, S.: Assembly rules and ecosystem restoration: Where to from here? In: Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, S. 410 - 421 (Hg. Temperton, V.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Halle, S.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)
Raupach, M. R.; Canadell, J. G.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Ciais, P.; Sanz, M. J.; Fang, J. Y.; Melillo, J. M.; Lankao, P. R.; Sathaye, J. A.; Schulze, E.-D. et al.; Smith, P.; Tschirley, J.: Interactions between CO2 stabilization pathways and requirements for a sustainable earth system. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 131 - 164 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Rebmann, C.; Anthoni, P.; Falge, E.; Göckede, M.; Mangold, A.; Subke, J. A.; Thomas, C.; Wichura, B.; Schulze, E. D.; Tenhunen, J. D. et al.; Foken, T.: Carbon budget of a spruce forest ecosystem. In: Biogeochemistry of Forested Catchments in a Changing Environment: an German Case Study, Bd. 172, S. 143 - 159 (Hg. Matzner, E.). Springer, Berlin (2004)
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