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Buchkapitel (21)

Rothe, J.; Gleixner, G.: Application of stable nitrogen isotopes to investigate food-web development in regenerating ecosystems. In: Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, S. 245 - 264 (Hg. Temperton, V.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Halle, S.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)
Sabine, C. L.; Heimann, M.; Artaxo, P.; Bakker, D. C. E.; Chen, C. T. A.; Field, C. B.; Gruber, N.; Le Quéré, C.; Prinn, R. G.; Richey, J. E. et al.; Lankao, P. R.; Sathaye, J. A.; Valentini, R.: Current status and past trends of the global carbon cycle. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 17 - 44 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Sanz, M. J.; Schulze, E. D.; Valentini, R.: International policy framework on climate change: Sinks in recent international agreements. In: The global carbon cycle, Bd. 62, S. 431 - 438 (Hg. Field, C. B.; Raupach, M. R.). Island Press, Washington (2004)
Temperton, V. M.; Hobbs, R. J.: The search for ecological assembly rules and its relevance to restoration ecology. In: Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, S. 34 - 54 (Hg. Temperton, V.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Halle, S.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)
Temperton, V. M.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Fattorini, M.; Halle, S.: Introduction: Why assembly rules are important to the field of restoration ecology. In: Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, S. 1 - 8 (Hg. Temperton, V.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Halle, S.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)
Temperton, V. M.; Zirr, K.: Order of arrival and availability of safe sites: an example of their importance for plant community assembly in stressed ecosystems. In: Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, S. 285 - 304 (Hg. Temperton, V.; Hobbs, R. J.; Nuttle, T.; Halle, S.). Island Press, Washington, D.C. (2004)

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Freibauer, A.; Mulligan, D.; Smith, P.: Importance of agricultural soils for the European GHG budget. International Conference Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig, Germany, 10-12 February 2004., (2004)
Freibauer, A.; Schulze, E. D.: Effizienz von Kohlenstoffsenken unter dem Aspekt des Klimaschutzes. In: Fachtagung "Auf Holzwegen in die Zukunft - eine Option für den Klimaschutz". Fachtagung "Auf Holzwegen in die Zukunft - eine Option für den Klimaschutz", Kloster Nimbschen, June 22-23, 2004. (2004)
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